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Grace’s solo drive

While YowCH was at church and Alexandra Hospital with Esther and David to bring Christmas Carols to the inpatients, Grace drove Joseph home, parked, then drove out again to meet again for dinner. This is the first solo drive for Grace, and parked quite well in a one-stroke reverse in.

Esther’s choir and Wall Tracks

The Gan Eng Seng Primary School Choir performed at Amara Hotel (Sentosa and Tanjung Pagar) for Christmas on 21 Dec. Esther is standing on the left (front):

YowCH and Grace got 3 sets of 2nd-hand Hotwheels Wall Tracks for the children at $50 (these three sets totals about $130 new) after studying them while on holiday in Malaysia. The advantage is that the tracks are all on the walls, minimising floor space, and allows fast action at the slopes. The bad news is that Tomica cars runs better on the tracks than Hotwheels cars. Note that the tracks can go round a corner!