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Cycling, soccer match and golf

On Saturday, 6 Oct, while Grace was at work on afternoon shift, we went cycling at the MOE carpark near our house. Esther and David practiced cycling with one hand, weaving in-and-out and making very tight turns at high speed. YowCH practiced jumping the kerb.

On Sunday, David played futsal soccer competition at Hougang from 8:00am to 2:00pm. The rest of us attended church for Children’s Day event, then went to the stadium to join David. The Lims brought him to Hougang after he spent a night at their place.

Trophies were given to every child as encouragement, but the truth is, the Jaguars did not do well.

Today, 8 Oct, YowCH went to Marina Bay driving range with his colleagues to practice golf swings. This is the second round, the first was last Tuesday.