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Update of Esther’s injury, David’s soccer game cancelled

We updated Esther’s injury page again, noting that the healing of the chin is going very well.

Today, David’s soccer training was to have a friendly match with Bukit Batok Community Club, but cancelled due to rain (only slight drizzle) and lightning risk (not one flash was seen at the field). With the team mostly gathered, YowCH took an informal group photo.

And with the children from both sides sitting on the benches for close to 1.5 hours waiting for clearer skies, the game was finally declared cancelled. They coudn’t hold back anymore and just rushed to the field to play informally until the stadium keeper chased us out for fear of damaging the damp ground.

We bought Joseph a pair of yellow soccer boots yesterday from Queensway, the smallest size we could find that’s not more than $40 (they are Toppers, not expensive brands like Nike, Adidas, Puma or Lotto which are all $55++). He is very comfortable running with them on the field.