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David starts soccer training

With our friends’ recommendation, David started soccer training at Queenstown Stadium today. This is where Enoch, Ezra, Sonya, Kenan and Joash are also training, every Sunday 3:00pm to 5:00pm. The children are generally divided into three groups, 8 and below, 10 and below and 13 and below.

Joseph was also playing along, very good at dribbling and kicks to the right direction, too.

We signed David up for the training, paid the yearly fee, registered for the team jersey and shorts. David was assigned “40″. They gave out free training T-shirts and a free football! After training, we went to Tiong Bahru Plaza and got David a set of boots, socks and shin guards, plus some training cones to practice with.

YowCH also bought a pair of soccer boots (but rubber base and no studs, to use a general sports shoes).