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Esther’s check-up

After 1 week, we returned to the Health Promotion Board dental clinic and to KKH for Esther’s check-up.

The two broken teeth are still alive (thank God) and the cast on leg has been removed.

Updated in Esther’s injury page.

David starts soccer training

With our friends’ recommendation, David started soccer training at Queenstown Stadium today. This is where Enoch, Ezra, Sonya, Kenan and Joash are also training, every Sunday 3:00pm to 5:00pm. The children are generally divided into three groups, 8 and below, 10 and below and 13 and below.

Joseph was also playing along, very good at dribbling and kicks to the right direction, too.

We signed David up for the training, paid the yearly fee, registered for the team jersey and shorts. David was assigned “40″. They gave out free training T-shirts and a free football! After training, we went to Tiong Bahru Plaza and got David a set of boots, socks and shin guards, plus some training cones to practice with.

YowCH also bought a pair of soccer boots (but rubber base and no studs, to use a general sports shoes).

Dinner at Big Mama Korean food with parents

Last night, we had dinner at a nice Korean restaurant at Kim Tian Road, Big Mama, with YowCH’s parents.

The food was tasty and not too expensive. Home style Korean cooking. But most of the dishes were chilli, not suitable for children not used to chilli.

Also updated Esther’s injury page.

Esther injury page updated

Esther’s injury page will be periodically updated.

Link is here.

Do visit often for updates.

Esther injured from falling from bicycle

During church Family Day at East Coast Park, Esther had quite a nasty fall from her bike. Here she is after coming home from the hospital emergency treatment:

She won’t be running about for a few weeks.

Details are here.

Church Family Day at East Coast Park

Our church organised Family Day at East Coast Park and we brought along YowCH’s parents to the beach for some fun. We also brought along our bicycles to cycle with friends.

Mum actually took the bike out for a ride.

We woke very early to prepare eggs for sandwiches and reached ECP at about 8:00am.

At 8:45am, the bus from church arrived and the events of songs, games and activities started.

Here’s Joseph cycling, and David playing games at the games stations.

Esther went cycling with Hannah and she had a rather nasty accidental fall.

We left at about 10:30am after Lynette helped bring Grace, Esther and Hannah to KK Hospital and YowCH packed up with parents and the boys. Here’s the page for Esther’s injury.

Baby 4 – last update

While we were having our holiday with YowCH’s office’s family day in Malacca, Grace had some bleeding and felt weak.

We drove straight to KK Hospital from Malacca once we finished lunch on 11 Aug 2012 for an urgent check-up. Sadly, the scan confirmed that the baby has been naturally purged. Grace is physically fine although the doctor encouraged rest for her. We thank God that there is no danger to Grace.

Here is the ended page for Baby 4.

We will update on the Malacca trip later on.

TYLin family day – Malacca

With the Singapore National Day on Thursday giving a long weekend (taking leave on Friday) TYLin Staff Club organised family day as a 3d2n trip to Malacca (9 to 11 Aug). We had fun going around the historical city.

The page with photos is here.

Baby 4 is coming

We met the doctor at KKH this morning and confirmed that Baby 4 is on the way! Estimated arrival is April 2013.

Here is the page for Baby 4.

Hiking at Macritchie

We hiked at Macritchie this morning while Grace was at work, covering 6.5km.
The page is here.