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Joseph is 3 years old, Nate and Hannah visit

Today, Joseph turns 3!

Two nights ago, Joseph started packing goodies bags for his classmates, 23 of them!

We celebrated his birthday in school with a large strawberry ‘farm’ cake.

Esther and David were there, too, as it is now school holidays.

He shared his goodies bags with his friends:

Later in the evening, YowCH did another round of burgers, this time to share with the Ngs (they are leaving for USA soon).

Only Nate and Hannah ate with us, we packed 3 more for Paul, Alison and Daniel.

The ugly truth about Ramly burger, you realy need to squeeze out the oil as you fry them, this bowl came from 10 patties, and YowCH did not even put any oil into the pan!