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Hiking at Macritchie with eFG children

We took the children, together with the efG children (those who can go) on a hiking trip at Macrtchie today. The weather was good and we had a really good time.

Please click here or the photo for the dedicated page.

Esther’s new guitar

We bought a child-sized guitar for Esther, after trying it out in the shop (Suntec). She was able to play the six strings quite OK.

Now we have 4 string instruments in the house – 2 ukuleles and 2 guitars:

Car wash and polish

Well, with the Isis coming to two years old next week, we decided to give it a little wash and polish. As we spend 2 hours every Sunday in Funan Centre, we just gave it to the carpark polishing guy to do it (rather expensive at $150 for wash, polish and wax).

A photo before:

And a photo right after:

Miriam’s birthday at Bollywood Veggies

On 2 April 2011, we went over to Bollywood Veggies after lunch with Arnold Wee, to join Miriam in celebrating her 3rd birthday. We reached at 3:00pm and left at 6:00pm. Follow this link to the page for the Bollywood Veggies trip.