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KRSS Boys Brigade outdoor cooking

YowCH conducted a session of Outdoor cooking for the Kent Ridge Secondary School Boys Brigade on 28 Aug 2010. There was a briefing last week where the menu and technique was discussed.

The menu is simple, instant noodles in a soup made with minced meat, fish-balls and cabbages, and a side dish of eggs and sardines.

Here’s a photo at the start:

That’s our stove and pot of eggs and sardines:

Esther and David was very helpful in getting the stuff in place for the cooking.
Some of the boys moved on to boiling the soup already.

The photo of the day, burning oil!

The cooking was quite serious for some:

Here’s Esther, David and YowCH eating the food:

We started at about 10:30am and ended at about 12:15pm.

Stikfas band for Esther

The Stikfas band set was on offer (for $19.00), so we got a set for Esther (there’s a pink girl singer in the set!)

Their website is at www.stikfas.com

Lego Paradisa

Grace is currently most attracted to shopping for old and discontinued Lego sets online. Of great interest is the very girlish Paradisa range, which she had managed to get from UK two sets at good prices. The sets, 6402 and 6403 reached YowCH’s office (the default parcel delivery address for us) on 12 Aug, and Esther put them together on 14 Aug.

YowCH’s parents visit, fan, shelves

Over the long weekend (Singapore national day is on 9 Aug, Monday), YowCH’s parents, together with sister Loon and her boyfriend Daren, came over for a few days from Saturday to Wednesday. YowCH and Grace took leave on Tuesday and Wednesday (but Grace worked on Saturday) to spend time with them, and to get some household things done.

Here, we were at Don (opposite Far East Square) eating crab noodles and pies with Yan and family, too.

Among the household things done were the new wall mounted fan for Room 2 (blows onto all three beds!) and two new bookshelves in Room 3 put together with shelving planks salvaged from Grace’s workplace, they are very solid plywood.

Esther is also able to play about 10 chords on the ukulele after about 10 days. She’s learning very fast. David is also keen to start now.

Double-decker bed is in

We received the double-decker bed this afternoon. Tentatively, Esther sleeps on top, David at the bottom and Joseph moves over the the single bed. So all three children are in room 2.

Here’s a view of the bed right after assembly. It is fully pine and will probably turn yellow in a few months’ time. Bought from Seahorse on Monday night.

New ukulele and some home reorganising

Over the last weekend, YowCH bought a new tenor ukulele which is bigger and better sounding. The new ukulele costs $85.60, and with it, Esther can play together with YowCH, making it easier for her to learn to play. You can see the new one is between the guitar and the first ukulele ($30.00).

Joseph is also quite interested in the “tar”; that’s what he calls a guitar.

We have also done some furniture reorganising in the house. With Grace’s parents’ old Gorm set used to make a shelf for Lego in Room 3 last Saturday. Thank God that Yan and Ping Quen came by for a while on Saturday, and PQ’s help was certainly appreciated to get the Gorm set up.

In Room 2, we have prepared the space for an upcoming double-decker bed, which will allow the three children to room together. The sliding bed shall be tucked in to be a spare bed.

Recently, Joseph has been asking to carry his own bag (he wants to copy his older siblings) and we have given him David’s backpack.