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Collected car on 13 Aug 09

The repair was faster than expected. After sending in for repairs on Tuesday 11 Aug late morning, the taxi driver went to Ricardo to pay the $900 repair cost. We had also asked him for a nominal $100 taxi fares for Grace over the loss-of-use of the car, which he gladly accepted and paid.

Ricardo informed that the car would be ready by afternoon of Friday 14 Aug, but the car was ready by afternoon of 13 Aug. Replaced cover, repaired bumper and door, and straightened out the bumper hooks which were bent. After the bonding and spray paiting, we noted no signs of the damage. Hopefully the bonding and paint job would last.

Grace is down with food poisoning, she’s on MC yesterday and today.

Hit by taxi from behind

This morning (8:00am, 6 August 2009) we were on Orchard Road leading to Scotts Road, while sending Grace and the boys to KKH, a ‘sleepy’ taxi hit us on the back. He was trying to turn into the bus lane while the traffic was really very slow, and we were actually stopped. Thank God the impact wasn’t too hard and nobody was hurt. But our boot door and bumper was damaged. The driver offered to pay for the damages (out of his pocket, not insurance), exchanged contact info, took some pictures and moved on from there as it was a very busy road in the morning. The driver was apologetic and gentlemanly in behaviour.

That’s our damage, dent door, crushed bumper, dropped tow-point cover and some dents and bends on attachments inside:

That’s his damage, not much but you can see the tow-point (very hard) being imprinted on his bumper and license plate:

That’s the position after he reversed and we exchanged info:

YowCH went into Ricardo to assess the damage, and repairs would come to about $1k, depending on final count.

1. Wear seat belts, we can’t prevent others from driving into us.
2. Sit properly. If the children were moving around, they would have been thrown, even with this light impact.
3. Don’t drive when too sleepy. The taxi driver later told YowCH over the phone that he was sleepy after night shift.
4. Don’t turn into the next lane too early, wait for the car in front to clear more space in case of any sudden brakes. 

Skids and Mudflap Ice-cream Truck

We managed to get the Skids and Mudflap Ice-cream Truck from Robinsons on 25 July 2009! YowCH noticed the saleslady clear a row of the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen shelf, but paid no attention. Then, when Grace reached the toys section, YowCH went back to have another look and saw a few packs of the Ice-cream Trucks. He grabbed one, showed to Grace and confirmed the buy. Then, looking back to the shelf again, all the others were GONE! Wow! We couldn’t even get another for friends!

Here’s the blister pack:

Details of the words here:

Ice-cream Truck mode:

Skids (left) and Mudflap:

Really cute.