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Another trip to PJ, Joseph crawling

We had another trip to PJ for Grace’s cousin Ai Ling’s wedding.

We left Singapore at 2:30pm on 26 June and reached home in Singapore at 10:10pm on 28 June 2009. YowCH’s colleague, Goh Wei Yon, hitched a ride with us on both ways.

Photos are here.

Joseph is now crawling very steadily, and he prefers cereals and biscuits for meals now.

Joseph sitting up and weekend car washing

Nothing much to update, but just within this past week, Joseph started sitting up by himself and creeping on the ground. Won’t be long before he really crawls and nothing on the floor will be safe from him.

We have moved the play-pen out of our room as he grew too big for it, and now the baby cot is in our room.

Earlier on, on Saturday afternoon 13 June, Esther and David was most helpful in cleaning the car. They each cleaned two rims. Esther cleaned the insides with the vacuum cleaner and David helped YowCH in the windows cleaning.

We’ll be heading North again to PJ this coming Friday for the weekend.

Esther is seven

Yesterday was Esther’s seventh birthday, and that’s a seven-year-old girl:

We didn’t buy a cake, but we had Sakae Sushi the day before with grandparents and ah yee, and Fish ‘n’ Co yesterday with kookoo and koojiong.

We are now looking forward to yet another trip to PJ at the end of the month, over the weekend for Grace’s cousin’s wedding.

Weekend in PJ

We drove up to PJ on Friday afternoon, 29 May, with Grace’s parents and sister for Harris’ wedding on 30 May morning. It was a pleasant drive, and the walkie-talkies we had was very good for communicating between the two cars. Esther and David finished two movies in the car!

Then we spent time shopping, and time with family. Esther then followed the grandparents to Port-Dickson for church camp, and they left for Seremban on Sunday morning. Unfortunately, we forgot to pack Esther’s passport with her, so we drove down to Seremban on Sunday afternoon to meet them.

On Monday morning, 1 June, we left PJ home at 9:15am and reached Singapore home at 3:30pm, with 3 breaks of 30 minutes each. It was a very pleasant but hot drive, and the NS highway was pretty much empty of cars. The two boys behaved very well, especially David who napped, sang songs and looked at cars along the road.

All-in-all, we travelled 1030km and burnt about 90L of petrol (11.5km/L). The Isis handled reasonably well, and had enough power and speed for the highway.

We will see Esther again when camp ends on 4 June 2009.

Details are here.