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Joseph’s first cereal

Today Joseph is 6 months old, and this is him eating his first solid food – plain rice cereal. He doesn’t really like it; maybe soya sauce will help improve the taste!

Yesterday, Esther and David helped YowCH wash the car. David and Esther cleaned the rims, Esther cleaned the insides with the vacuum cleaner, and David helped with the window washing.

The family will be back in PJ next weekend. Hopefully a nice road-trip on the North-South Highway.

E&D visits ER251 site and 1-day Malacca Trip by TYLin

On 15 May 09, Esther and David visited the TBSE addition ramp site (LTA’s Contract ER251), which is YowCH’s job. The visit was for YowCH to have one final check on the structure and rebar prior to casting the first span of the new ramp.

Then, TYLin’s Staff Club organised a Family Day Trip to Malacca on 16 May 2009, called ’1-day trail of the Little Nyonya”. You can see photos from the trip here.

Joseph’s 1st tooth

Here it is, Joseph’s 1st tooth. He is now five and a half months old.

He rolls over easily and pulls himself along the bed or floor to get to his toys. He now sits well in the car seat, and often falls asleep in the car, even over short distances.

The whole family will be having a one-day fun trip to Malacca thanks to TYLin’s family day organizing it. This coming Saturday, 16 May 2009. More reports after that.

Today is also the 1st anniversary of our blog! Hooray!

Adventurous day, 1 May 2009

Wow, what an adventurous day. We started off helping Samuel and Hwee Ling move home.

Then we went home for the children’s nap while YowCH went to fetch Grace, who had finished 3.5 hours (11:00 until 14:30) checking duty for the H1N1 flu virus at KKH. Later in the afternoon, we took a long drive to Tampines IKEA and visited the newly opened mall, Tampines 1.

When we got home at 11 pm, we found our lock stuck and had to call in the $60 locksmith to cut the lock. Well, this Yale lock lasted 8 years, not too bad.