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Joseph’s growing big, Esther’s doing OK at school

Joseph turned 5 months old on 24 April, a few days ago. He can now flip himself front-to-back and back-to-front on bed. He can also belly crawl to get to things that he wants. Above all, he is now more than 7kg, making him almost 2kg heavier than Esther and David when they were 5 months old.

Still smiling and bubbly as ever, Joseph normally cries only for food, when he is too hot lying down or when left alone. All he needs is someone to chit chat with, and he’ll be smiling and laughing.

Esther is doing pretty OK in school, mixing well with her friends, and doing well in her school work. She is very happy with the car fetching her to and from school. Esther is also getting comfortable speaking in Cantonese, and noted even a classmate who speaks in Cantonese with her.

The family will be spending one day in Malacca on 16 May 2009, TYLin Family Day.

One week into driving

It has been one week of driving the Isis, and we have clocked 200km now! There is a great change in lifestyle with driving and we are still adapting to it.

YowCH is getting some back-aches as he feels tense. Driving again after 17 years is quite a strange experience. The car is nicely powered, but the body is rather long and bulky. Hard to park and make U-turns at tight junctions.

Car collected today!

Thank God everything went smoothly, and YowCH collected the car today at 7:30pm (after 1 hour of final checks and paper work). Then YowCH drove over to Moh Guan for dinner with mum, dad, Grace and the children, and after dinner, everyone rode in the Isis back home! The children had a GREAT surprise when they saw the car!

Again, the Isis page is here.

COE confirmed

Thank God, COE confirmed today at $7501. With the paper work in place, the ride should be ready by tomorrow evening. We are praying for smooth going in all this. YowCH has been driving Gene’s Altis around for training, taking things slowly, there should not be problems, with God’s watchful eyes.

Link to the Isis here.

New PDA phone for YowCH

With the 2.5-year-old Palm Tungsten E2 dying (the screen turns white on, and not sensitive to touch), YowCH got a new PDA phone , as his phone contract had just reached 21 months. The HTC Touch Cruise is new and pretty:

The included car kit and GPS is most useful for the upcoming wheels, to be collected this Thursday evening (9 April 2009), as promised by Ricardo.

YowCH passed driving test

Woohoo, YowCH passed the Basic Theory Test today at Bukit Batok Driving Centre and converted the Malaysian driving license to a Singapore driving license.

Now waiting for COE next week to get the Isis.