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YowCH’s crown

The saga started at least four months ago, end-Nov 2008, when YowCH felt some tinkling pain in the last tooth, lower jaw, right side. It got to the ‘needle poke every few minutes’ from 22 Feb 09. Suddenly, on 7 Mar 09 at about 10pm, it became a ‘bunch of needles stabbing every second’. YowCH couldn’t sleep and cold water sent a shocking permanent pain throughout the night.

8 Mar 09, Guan Huat, church friend and dentist, opened his clinic for emergency treatment and three root canals were drilled to relieve the pain. Come Monday, when the clinic assistant was available, the treament was completed. But there was still a little pain during the appointment to complete the root canal and prepare for crowning on 13 Mar 09, it was discovered that one of the canals actually splited into two! More work done, and the crown prepared.

Finally on 19 Mar 09, a metal crown was placed over the tooth.

Another update on the Isis, tinting completed.