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Parties for Joseph’s 1st month

We had three parties for Joseph’s first month:

19 Dec 2008 evening for Cheong Hoe’s colleagues (T.Y.Lin):

21 Dec 2008 morning at Church, shared with Daniel Ng (born one week before Joseph):

21 Dec 2008 afternoon for church friends, neighbours and Grace’s colleagues (KKH):

Thank God for all the fun. And thanks to all Joseph’s friends for the gifts.

Joseph’s birth video done

Having started the project on 10 Dec, Joseph’s birth video was completed on 18 Dec 2008 after many hours of very hard work.

Joseph is now 25 days old and looks very much like David at the same age.

There’ll be parties to celebrate Joseph’s birth starting from tonight until Sunday evening!

Joseph is now 10 days old

Here’s a recent photo of Esther, David and Joseph. Joseph is now ten days old.

His jaundice is fading and he is very active now.