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Joseph is home

Joseph is now at home, Grand-dad fetched Joseph home at about 1:15pm today.

Please click here to see further updates at the end of the page.

Page for Joseph’s birth

00:05 We have added a page for Joseph’s birth. Please click here to visit.

14:15 Updated with more photos.

15:15 Forgot to mention, we shall be leaving KK Hospital for home by 18:00 today! Early discharge if no problems! Hooray!

16:45 Another update, the hospital procedure says that the mother can go home, but the child must stay at least 24 hours. By 18:00 today, it would only be 20.5 hours, so Joseph must stay overnight. Well, Joseph is on total breast feeding, so if the baby stays, the mother must stay, too. Therfore, we can’t go home until tomorrow morning 11 am.

Yow Bak Hei, Joseph born 21:25

Praise the Lord and thank Him for His blessing of this boy to us.

Yow Bak Hei, Joseph was naturally delivered at 9:25pm on 24 Nov 2008, weighing 3.2kg.

Both mother and son are fine, and the father is very happy. Esther and David are very delighted, too.


Baby 3 birth update at 7:35pm

Baby 3 is about to be born. In delivery suite now, Oxytocin started about 6:30pm, baby should come out soon.


Baby 3 is arriving soon

Grace is now in KK Hospital, waiting for the the arrival of our Baby 3. This morning’s check-up was fine, and Dr Tan advised that it is good to induce the baby. So here we are in Ward 8134, after the Prostin, waiting for the heavy contractions.

At the current situation, the baby would probably be born between mid-night and next morning. Long wait ahead.

Esther and David are now in school, they will probably come up to the ward to visit for a while, then go home with grand parents to wait for their little brother.

Updates to follow.

Another scan of Baby 3

We have just returned from TYLin’s movie night, having watched Quantum of Solace.

Having seen Dr KT Tan on Monday, 10 Nov, here is yet another scan of the baby. He can pop out anytime now, but probably closer to the estimated due date of 26 November 2008.