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eFG camp at Chatsworth and YowCH’s cousin’s visit

Esther, David and YowCH had a one-night stay in a tent over at eFG’s Chatsworth camp last night (10 Oct 2008). Grace went home after the BBQ, she had to work on Saturday morning, so sad.

Those who slept outdoors: Paul, Hong Huei, Debbie, Elliot, Faith, Hong Kian, Sze Wee, Enoch, Ezra, Sonya, YowCH, Esther and David. Some photos:

The children at the swing

The tents in the field

The barbecue

Hong Huei playing with fire

Paul's camp fire, logs from the felled durian tree

That's Esther and David in the tent, about 6am

CAmp site in the morning

Paul warming up over the fire

The site in the morning

Earlier, from 1 to 5 Oct 2008, YowCH cousin Huang Yin came for a holiday. We ate much and walked much. We went to the Zoo and Night Safari on Friday and went out around the CBD (with Yan and Ping Quen, too) on Saturday:

Chee Kiong, Huang Yin and Zi Yen at the Zoo

Near Fullerton Hotel