Entries Tagged as 'YowCH’s work'

YowCH wins Young Consulting Engineer of the Year Award

At the Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore (ACES) 43rd Anniversary Dinner on 27 March 2014, YowCH received the Young Consulting Engineer of the Year 2014 Award for Civil Engineering (one of 5 winners of 2014 of various categories). He received the award from ACES Vice-president Er. Ling. “Young” is defined as ‘under the age of 40′, which is almost at the limit for YowCH.

Among the 5 winners include his friend and colleague, Er. Yong Fen Leong for the Structural Engineering category, standing next to him in this group photo of winners.

His boss, Er. Dr. Tan Guan won the Lifetime Achievement Award, making it a hat-trick of awards for T.Y.Lin this year.

This is a photo of the certificate, and the present, a Sheaffer fountain pen with the Award and Recipient engraved.

Thank God for the recognition given to YowCH by ACES for his work and contributions to the construction industry.

David at Scout Camp, guitar updates

The Suzuki guitar was broken earlier before Christmas, and after YowCH fixed it, it still plays rather well, so the set (guitar, cable and amp) has been moved to T.Y.Lin office for lunchtime and after-work playing.

On Friday, 7 March, David left for Scout camp at 4:00pm, and will return on Sunday 12:45pm.

We got a second hand Fender Mustang II amp for $200, big, powerful and nice sound.

Here’s the guitar to scale:

And this is the current guitar family at home:

YowCH’s trip to TYLin CQ

YowCH went to Chongqing from 20 to 22 Jan to attend the T.Y.Lin China Annual Dinner. The trip report is here.

T.Y.Lin annual dinner

T.Y.Lin annual dinner was held on 3 Dec 2013 at Inter-Continental Hotel (Bugis Junction). Samuel had to attend, too, of course. The team was “Colours of the World”.

YowCH received his long service award for 15 years in T.Y.Lin.

Samuel’s 1st month parties at home

We threw a party for YowCH’s office, this time only for close friends and direct colleagues, on Friday evening, 29 Nov.

Mum, dad and Gene also came.

We had great food from Stamford Catering, and drinks-menu. We also served liquors and Esther was our bartender.

On Saturday afternoon, 30 Nov, we had another party for Grace’s KKH friends (current and previous), some relatives (Grace’s cousin, YowCH’s sister), eFG and YowCH’s old ASEAN scholar friends from Temasek JC.

Samuel’s 1st month party at T.Y.Lin

Today, we celebrated Samuel’s first month with a party at T.Y.Lin (the first of several such parties). We got nice pastries and tarts from Prima Deli, soft drinks and 4 mini-kegs (5L each) of Golden Ale from Brewerkz.

Samuel was very happy throughout, and YowCH’s colleagues passed him around!

However, there was plenty of leftover food and drinks. Only about 8L of beer consumed although we opened 3 kegs. So we called in some friends to help drink up the remaining 7L. There was great fellowship, but the beer still remaining another 3L or so.

More parties next week.

YowCH golf at Ria Bintan

TYLin Management organised a golf game at Ria Bintan Golf Club (Indonesia) from 9 to 10 Nov 2013 (Saturday to Sunday). There are 2 courses, Ocean (18 holes, very pretty) and Forest (9 holes, rather normal). The players (8 total) left Singapore at 11:00am.

Once we reached the Resort, grabbed a quick lunch and started the first 18 holes on Ocean Course at 12:45pm (Indo time). The photos are of holes 8 and 9, very pretty sea view.

This faraway photo is the first flight, the better and faster players. YowCH is of course in the second flight.

The first game ended at 5:15pm, with YowCH losing 12 balls and scored nothing (5 actual +3, the rest more than +3). We then left for seafood dinner at Restaurant Kampoeng Nelayan, and the food was great. The 8 of us drank 4 bottles of wine at the restaurant and after dinner, another 2 bottles during chit chat (one colleague did not drink, being Moslem).

We slept at 11:00pm.

The next morning, we started playing at 6:45am, but it was drizzling (rather heavy at times) for the first 3 hours.

Again nice sceneries on the Ocean Course.

The first 18 holes on Ocean Course was completed at 11:45am. After a short 15 minutes lunch, we played the next 9-holes on the Forest Course, ending at 2:00pm. YowCH lost 13 balls in the first 18 holes and 6 more in the second 9 holes. But scoring wise, there were 7 actual +3 and once a +1!

After a quick shower, we departed and reached Singapore at 6:45pm (Singapore time), and YowCH reached home at 8:15pm after dropping off the overseas colleagues at their hotels (having shared a cab).

Big thanks to Grace and the children for supporting this outing. Also big thanks to Grace’s parents who helped out and sent David to the Scouts campfire, and to Quincy for fetching Esther to ballet and back, and to Hong Kian who took the boys to soccer. Not easy to get away for a game of golf! And also to Fen Leong for lending YowCH his golf set.

Trip to Chek Jawa under ACES-YPC

ACES-YPC, which YowCH is a member, organised a trip to Chek Jawa at Pulau Ubin today from 1;30pm to 5:30pm. YowCH brought the children along.

Please click photos below to get to the page.

YowCH at conference and seminar

From Monday 7 Oct to Wednesday 9 Oct, YowCH attended the Singapore International Transport Congress and Exhibition (SITCE2013) at Suntec City (organised by LTA and UITP)

There were more than a thousand international delegates from authorities, consultants, researchers, contractors and suppliers.

LTA’s Land Transport Master Plan 2013 was launched at the SITCE opening ceremony.

But he missed Monday afternoon’s session as YowCH was a speaker at HDB’s Erosion Control Measures Seminar held in the HDB Hub Auditorium.

The audience was mostly HDB’s project staff, contractors and consultants.

Terrapins’ 2nd filter, Jurong West biking again

The maintenance cost is rising, we added a larger filter ($12) on 25 Sept to keep the tank cleaner in order to change water less frequently. You can see it in the left side of the photo.

Today, we visited the new site at Jurong West again to look for some old structures, and here are our trail biking photos:

That’s a big ‘frog’ looking at a real one.

On the roadside drain top (and this drain is really a huge canal), YowCH managed to clock 35km/h on the mountain bike. The children reached 32km/h.