Entries Tagged as 'YowCH’s work'

CNY food!

Thursday, first day of CNY, we had lunch at Cedele, Great World City. YowCH had traditional vegetarian meal, and Esther followed suit. The rest ate normally.

After lunch, we shopped a little, then went to Moh Guan for dinner, and that was after our little outing to Labrador Park.

Friday, second day, we went to the zoo from morning to afternoon. Then we visited the Lims for a nice home hot-plate dinner.

On Saturday, we invited YowCH’s colleague Andrew and his family to our place for hotpot and hotplate lunch.

Then we went to church, and after service, we had dinner at “Different Taste” with the Tans and the Ngs.

Esther was leading the juniors table, and David gave thanks for the food.

PJ trip over last weekend

We made a trip to PJ over the last weekend (30 Jan, Friday to 1 Feb, Sunday) for TYLin KL annual dinner, family gathering, celebration of YowCH’s dad’s 70th birthday, and a good time together as a family.

Click on the photos below to get to the page.

YowCH’s MRT TEL MPS, Samuel walking

24 Jan 2015 marks the official ground-breaking of the MRT Mount Pleasant station under YowCH, part of the Thomson-East Coast Line. Works had already begun on site several months ago. The ceremony was shared with Stevens station, which is not under TYLin.

Minister for Transport, Lui Tuck Yew was the guest-of-honour.

Today, Samuel was walking unsupported for quite a good distance. He also enjoys the playground rides.

TYLin Band “Ourselves” video on Facebook

Here’s the link to the low-res video posted on Facebook. It is about 25 mins long, and the first song starts after 1 minute.

TYLin annual dinner and band, SmartWatch 3

TYLin’s annual dinner was held at Novotel Liang Court on 12 Dec 2014.

YowCH played in the home band “Ourselves”.

That’s YowCH (guitar, vocals), Mark (keyboard, guitar, vocals), Riyan (guitar, back-up vocals) and Vincent (drums).

We sang “Isabella”, “I Will Survive”, “That Thing You Do”, “Your Body Is A Wonderland” and “Christmas Is All Around”.

After the dinner, we walked to Brewerkz with our Malaysian office colleagues for beer.

YowCH received a Sony SmartWatch 3 in the lucky draw:

Cool stuff, but not really useful.

TYLin movie night – Penguins

Last night was TYLin’s movie night again, this time for Penguins (of Madagascar) at Tiong Bahru Plaza. We brought the children (including Samuel).

The movie was OK, not too bad, some laughs and silly jokes. Samuel slept half-way through, but he was never disruptive during the movie. The other three children enjoyed the show.

TYL Family Day at RWS

We went to Resorts World Sentosa on 8 Nov 2014 for T.Y.Lin’s Family Day, and had good fun at the SEA Aquarium and Trick Eye Museum.

Click on the photos below for more photos.

YowCH at night futsal with TYLin colleagues

On Wednesday night, 3 Sep, YowCH played futsal with his colleagues at The ARK Taman Jurong (Fourth Chin Bee Road).

Great fellowship and fun, but YowCH was rather out-of-breath and had back-ache.

Samuel updates, YowCH’s road opens, Science Centre

Samuel’s development is really quite nice, he is now sitting up by himself, even in the bath tub, and he pulls himself up to stand.

We collected some stuff that we handed to YowCH’s sister’s family, and they are now Samuel’s:

This morning, we went to Science Park Drive to open the newly constructed extension road to Normanton Park, linking Queensway flyover into Science Park which should relief South Buona Vista Road significantly.

And after the opening of Science Park Drive extension, we visited the Science Centre before church. Please click on the photos to go to the page.

TYLin Staff Club photo shoot at Botanic Gardens

We had a Saturday photo shoot outing to Botanic Gardens on Saturday morning organised by the TYLin Staff Club, with YowCH as one of the instructors. Clink on the link below for the dedicated page:

Esther went for Maths Olympiad and David went for Chinese class, so only the two younger boys went along, and this is Samuel’s first trip to the Botanic Gardens.