Entries Tagged as 'YowCH’s work'

YowCH resigned from TYLin

After working in TYLin for more than 18 years (started 1 June 1998) YowCH resigned yesterday, Friday, 29 July 2016. Time to move out and venture into some other firm. He has already accepted an offer with significantly better renumeration and work environment.

There will be 3 months of transition, and we are praying for the transit to be smooth and problems-free.

Gardens by the Bay with TYLin

We visited Gardens by the Bay on Saturday 18 June 2016 with TYLin (Family Day). Please click on the photos for the link to the page.

David’s fracture and YowCH’s TYLin China dinner at CQ

David had a fracture in his right hand middle finger when he played basketball on Friday 29 Jan.

He will be out of action for basketball for 2 weeks and will miss some of his league games.

In the mean time, YowCH is away in Chongqing China for TYLin China office annual dinner from 28-31 Jan. Click on the photos below for the page:

Weekend trip to PJ, TYLin KL Annual Dinner

We had a short 2-day trip to PJ for YowCH’s company KL office annual dinner and to visit YowCH’s parents and sister. Click here for the page.

Weekend update – TYLin Dinner with YowCH’s band, soccer tourney, dinner with Yongs, Esther’s Hello Kitty Run kit, Fujifilm XQ1

A busy weekend, starting on Friday evening, with YowCH’s company, T.Y.Lin, having the Annual Dinner with Peranakan theme. The company band played again.

The food is certified Halal specially for the event.

The food is peranakan style, and tasted pretty good for hotel food.

YowCH was the lead singer and played the electric guitar.

The band consisted of YowCH, Mark (vocals and acoustic guitar), Vincent (percussion), Arlinga (bass) and Sandi (keyboard). YowCH sponsored the Malay shirts for the band members. Click on photo below for link to the low-res video uploaded to Facebook. The performance was 30 minutes long, and the video is large file (unlimited Wi-Fi connection recommended).

The band played 1. Engkau Laksana Bulan, 2. Medley of Rasa Sayang, Lenggang Kangkung, Chan Mali Chan, Dayung Sampan – 甜蜜蜜, 3. When You Say Nothing At All, 4. Tetaplah Di Hatiku, and 5. Hotel California.
At the end of the dinner, we had a company group photo taken.

After the dinner event, we went to a nearby pub to have some fellowship with our foreign guests. Grace had a margarita while YowCH had a mojito, rather than beer.

Thanks to Grace’s parents for helping us look after all the children.

On Saturday morning, David continued his games in the soccer tourney disrupted last week by heavy rains. David played in Under-12 while YowCH managed and coached Under-10.

We had some snacks while waiting for the prize giving ceremony. Under-10 won bronze, but U-12 was sadly eliminated at the knock-out section.

After church, we had dinner with YowCH’s sister and family at Tung Lok Teahouse at Square2.

We ordered some strange food – pan-fried charcoal bamboo meat pao, and truffle crystal skin dumplings.

On Sunday, we went for swim, then YowCH, David and Joseph went to church for carolling practice. Grace took Esther and Samuel to Funan, for Esther’s ballet lessons and collection of the Hello Kitty Run Kit (Gene will run with Esther, 5km). This is Esther with the run kit.

We also bought another Fujifilm camera, the XQ1 (nearing end-of-line, since XQ2 is coming out very soon), for $300 to replace the spoilt XF1 (only 2 years old, but repaired several times, we decided to retire it).

The price when newly launched was about $500+.

Joseph’s birthday at eCG, zoo trip with TYLin, Samuel first day at church toddler class

We celebrated Joseph’s birthday at eCG meeting with a simple salted caramel cheese cake (very nice), together with Sonja and Eli, on Friday night.

Today is TYLin Family Day. We reached the zoo at 8:00am to mange the TYLin staff and walked the zoo from 9:30am until 2:15pm. We saw the newborn giraffe! Click on the photos below to get to the page.

After the zoo trip, we went to church, and Samuel started attending the toddlers’ class today.

Beijing trip with TYLin

We have uploaded our photos of the Beijing trip from 21 to 25 Oct 2015. This is the TYLin annual company trip and YowCH serves in the committee this year. This is also an escape for YowCH and GRace for the 15th anniversary (in 2 months).

Click here or on the photos below to go to the site.

TYLin soccer jersey

YowCH received the TYLin soccer team jersey yesterday.

It’ll probably blind the opponents!

Esther’s birthday, David’s Batam snacks, throne for the drums and TYLin hike at Sg Buloh

Today is Esther’s 13th birthday. We had a family dinner at Sakae Sushi after church.

David was at Batam last Monday and Tuesday with his school, to teach English to the Batam students. He bought some snacks: fried fish balls and Malay layer cake.

Our drum set is finally complete, Grace managed to get a 2nd hand throne for $30.

We spent the morning at Sungei Buloh Wetlands with YowCH’s colleagues. It was a nice hike. Click on the photos below to the page.

RealRun race pack, Salvation Army, dinner at Moc Quan, Skylanders

We collected the Hometeam NS RealRun 2015 race packs at Novena Square during lunch time, meeting up with YowCH’s colleague, Geoshua.

YowCH is no. 0980.

As there was no queue, all 24 packs for TYLin (including 1 for Gene), each with T-shirt, bib, radio-tag, and some goodies, were very quickly collected.

In the afternoon, we visited the Salvation Army Thriftshop at Tanglin (near home) and bought ourselves plenty of cheap stuff – bags, umbrella, CDs and DVDs and coffee cups.

For dinner, we went out to collect some second-hand Skylanders and ate at UE Square, Vietnamese Restaurant. This is the second time we ate there, nice food.

Here are the Skylanders, together with the Wii game. All second-hand.