Entries Tagged as 'Church'


31 Dec was a busy day. Grace went with Esther and parents to renew their phone contracts, and got away with new phones.

Dad took an iPhone6+ (huge!), so Esther gets the older iPhone5 that dad was using.

Grace went for the Samsung Galaxy S5 4G+ (16GB) for $168 with contract.

The S5 comes with a free Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite (7.0″, Wi-Fi) tablet, which we will redeem later, and sell, probably about $150. Her old HTC One SV LTE went to David.

In addition, having gotten a new line for David, we got a ‘free’ blue HTC Desire 610. Nice. We will sell this phone.

After buying phone the phones at Singtel Com-Centre and setting them up at home, and after a day’s work for YowCH, we went to church for the year-end Thanksgiving Bi-lingual service. After service, we went for supper with the Leongs, the Lims and the Behs. We had great frog porridge at Sin Ma (Cheong Chin Nam Road, off Bukit Timah Road).

Thank God for a wonderful 2014.

Update 6 Jan 2015: Collected the free Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite (7.0″, Wi-Fi) and sold it to a friend.

The HTC Desire 610 is also sold to a buyer from internet.

Church carolling at hospitals, Christmas dinner, Samuel standing

Our church has annual carolling at Alexandra and National University Hospitals. This year, YowCH was with David and Joseph at AH, and Esther was at NUH. YowCH played the electric guitar in the entrance hall, with David on cajon and Joseph singing and tambourine, while Esther was playing the ukulele with the youths at the lobby.

After carolling, we had Christmas dinner with mum, dad and Gene at Cedele, Great World City.

Upon reaching home, Samuel stood up by himself – the toy handphone must have been very exciting for him!

Dinner with the Lims at Fat Boy’s, Samuel updates

We had dinner with the Lims on Sunday, at Fat Boy’s. We ate lots of burgers and onion rings.

Some updates on Samuel, he is still not yet standing and walking, but he eats biscuit by himself, and likes to read car magazine Torque.

Samuel is also very attracted to music, he will join the rest of the family when we practice our Christmas carols.

Esther’s baptism and dinner with friends

Today is Esther’s baptism. Total of 13 candidate on Saturday and another 13 more on Sunday. Esther’s the shortest one on the left.

That’s Asst Pastor Alan Tay and Lead Pastor Beh SY baptising Esther.

We took some family photos after baptism.

Esther’s friend Nadya came to witness, too.

After baptism, we went out with the Lims, the Tans and the younger Leongs to NUS Guild House for a fellowship dinner.

The food was good, but the fellowship was much better.
And you can see our young friend, Esher Leong, much larger than Samuel while only 3 weeks older, eating a huge pot of food while Samuel gets a measly tub.

YowCH as Benny at church, children at playground

On Saturday, for Church life-story at the Kids for Christ (Junior Sunday School), YowCH impersonated Benny Prasad, who is the world’s most travelled man having visited all countries, and a Christian gospel witness. You can Google “Benny Prasad” for more info.

David took this nice photo.

Here’s a nice photo of the children on the slide at the playground downstairs of our flat.

BBQ with eCG

Our church Care Group, eCG (previously eFG) had a BBQ at Alison’s parents’ place. Lots of good food and had a great time of fellowship. Unfortunately, it rained heavily and we had to BBQ and eat indoors.

There were many children around.

We brought drinks and dessert, and Esther was the bartender.

Church Family Day at Labrador Park

Given the Vesak Day holiday on 13 May (Tuesday), church organised a Family Day outing at Labrador Park. We arrived early at about 7:45am and had some in-line skating before the main group joined us at 8:30am.

Here is the opening prayer by Pastor, and we had some fellowship time over picnic and games. WE also brought along our cajon, electric guitar, portable amplifier and microphone, all well used in the event.

This is the eFG area.

We participated in games and had lots of fun interacting with our church friends.

eCG 24-7 prayer, Rumah Tinggi Eco-park, Samuel updates

On 18 April 2014 evening (Good Friday), we joined the Leongs for the church 24-7 Prayer Rally from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.

This was followed by a dinner at their place.

When we got home and parked the car, we took a stroll along the newly opened Rumah Tinggi Eco-park behind the carpark. Click on photos below to go to the dedicated page.

The next day (Saturday) we went again for in-line skating.

Here are some updates on Samuel:
He can hold his milk bottle on his own now:

He can sit like a king:

But he will take off his sock and suck his toes:

Terrapin died, Church Saturday Service, Isis updates

Another terrapin died, this is the one from the very first two that we bought.

There were signs of unhealthiness from quite a few weeks back, with the shell curving, and the terrapin basking all day long and not getting into the water and eating.

Now we are back to two terrapins.

Today, marks the start that we attend Saturday service in Church, as Esther joins the youths in the Teenacity service on Saturday afternoons.

The car air-con was suddenly not cooling, so we topped up the gas yesterday, while we replaced the HID bulbs as one was found blown in the morning.

Christmas day

Praise the Lord for a very exciting Christmas day.

We went to Church and YowCH sang with the Hospital Carolling team at the 2 English services and the Chinese service (one song each).

Then we had some fellowship time with church friends over the Christmas kenduri.

We then drove over to Marina Square and met up the Yongs and the Loos for shopping and lunch at Jia Xiang Sarawak Mee Kolok.

After lunch and shopping, we all returned to our home for fellowship time. These gingerbread stuff is from Yan (IKEA things, of course) and the Loos.

We then ordered pizza from Peperoni for dinner, very nice.

Here are some photos of the children playing (these are the closest relatives)

Interesting side news: we are indeed thankful that we salvaged from the garbage that someone at our block threw out, a box of Junior Engineer and lots of Lego and Duplo pieces, including the box and 2 base plates.

Yan had also returned the Aprica, Samuel can now ride a pram when going out from home (the Graco stays with the car). We planned the Aprica for 6 children, and Samuel is the 6th (after Esther, David, Joseph and Yan’s 2 children). Here is the very old page we made for the pram.