Entries Tagged as 'Church'

Church Teachers’ day celebration

The Bible Church, Singapore celebrated Teachers’ Day on 25 and 26 August. As we attend Saturday service, we had a tea session before the church service.

Joseph lead the children and teachers in worship before eating.

The teachers took a group photo.

There were lots of nice food.

Later in the afternoon, during the main Saturday Service, the children presented a song, Thankful. Esther played the guitar (hidden on the left), YowCH played the ukulele and Joseph played the cajon (with Sean Koh) while Ryan (not in photo) played the piano to accompany the children.

Here is Samuel singing loudly and nicely!

Mifold child seat, KKH Care Tin and YowCH giving cajon lessons

With renewal of the Automobile Association of Singapore membership, YowCH got the Mifold (and carry bag) for free. It is an alternate ‘booster’ seat which lowers the seat belt to fit a child.

Samuel likes it, it is small and convenient, and easy to set-up. We are still using the normal child seat, this is for taxi and travel use.

Grace received a KKH Care Tin on 7 June as part of the 160th anniversary of KKH. It has lots of snacks in it.

For two weekends over the school holidays period (2 and 9 June), YowCH conducted cajon lessons for the Church junior classes on Saturdays (instead of the Sunday School lessons). He had help from young church friends.

The third and last lesson will be on 23 June.

West Fest – Church 60th anniversary community event

As part of our church 60th anniversary celebrations, and in line with the theme of Blessed to be a Blessing, we held a community event to bless the West Coast neighbourhood. West Fest started at 9:00am and ended at 3:00pm on 29 May 2018 (Tuesday, Vesak Day holiday). We arrived in church at 7:45am to help with the setting up of the games, food, talks, band, decorations and anything else.

That’s Samuel testing out the bouncy castle.

Esther and David hosted games with the youths.

The guest-of-honour was SM Iswaran, and we had a nice 60th birthday cake.

The burger queue was held up by the production speed, so YowCH recruited David (and he brought his friends along) to help with the burger cooking.

Grace and Joseph managed the Ping Pong game, and Joseph did a great job in collecting the runaway balls.

Towards the end of the day, YowCH conducted the blessings draws and hosted the event from 1:00pm until 3:00pm.

We are much blessed by the event that the whole family can serve God and the neighbourhood. We have great joy in the fellowship with our church friends, too.

Weekend update: YowCH at JTC50, Rumah Tinggi community lunch, West Fest set-up

Weekend update:

YowCH represented SJ Urban Group (his boss was away on leave) to the JTC 50th anniversary dinner at Shangri-la Hotel on Friday night. The guest-of-honour was PM Lee. yowCH was seated with friends in the industry and hosted by a JTC director.

On Saturday, we had a community lunch at Block 36 Jalan Rumah Tinggi with our neighbours. Simple food and some interactions with our neighbours.

On Sunday, we went out for soccer, but it was cancelled due to bad weather, so YowCH, David and Joseph headed to Church to help with the putting up of the West Fest backdrop in the Grace Hall.

As we drove home, we saw our Isis (SLF1912M) on the road for the first time since we sold the car more than 1.5 years ago.

Weekend update – West Fest flyers, Handle Bar, Italian cooking

We went to church on Saturday, and the our family group went to a few blocks in West Coast to deliver flyers to announce the West Fest, our church’s 60th anniversary community event to bless the neighbourhood. Esther had some practice in church, so David, Joseph and Samuel helped with this activity.

On Sunday, we went for our swim, where Samuel started on free-style. After swim, we went to Handle Bar for lunch. This is a biker-western theme bar-restaurant and adopts lots of DIY furniture. Good food and ambiance for reasonable prices.

Due to rainy weather, our soccer training was cancelled.
In the evening, we cooked Italian at home. David did a pasta vongole while Grace did baked veges and grilled prawns. We also had scalded cockles. We shared this nice dinner with Grace’s parents.

BCG hosting Laotian Bible students

BCG hosted dinner for 3 Loatian Bible students attached to our church on 24 Mar 2018. We had great fellowship after church service on Saturday over great food at Kek, West Coast.

Faces are intentionally blured due to sensitive nature of their nationality.

BCG, Grace’s 20th year at KKH, YowCH’s runs

We had our first cell-group meeting at the Tan’s new place at Upper Thomson on Friday 19 Jan.

For Grace’s 20th anniversary with KKH, she received a certificate, a notepad, $400 of vouchers and $100 in a cash-card.

YowCH has been running regularly, from 2.5km to 5.0km. Even on 14 Jan when it was drizzling and the air temperature as the lowest in Singapore (since 2016) at 22°C.

YowCH also managed to swim 500m (10 laps) non stop in free style for the first time. Grace is now regularly doing 20 laps of breast stroke with some breaks in between laps.

The Bible Church, Singapore 60th anniversary service and dinner

Our Church celebrated 60th anniversary with service followed by dinner at Orchid Country Club. Officially, our church started on 12 Jan 1958.

We took a family photo when we arrived on that rainy day.

Service and dinner in the main hall.

Esther was part of the choir.

The choir sang in serveral segments of the service and dinner.

Beacon CG and eCG table photo.

That’s the children in their children program (separate room).

The children performed (and so did the older folks). Samuel and Joseph were very enthusiastic.

Final event, birthday cake and prayers.

Chili crab and lunch with eCG folks

We bought some crabs from Sheng Siong on Saturday and prepared chili crabs on Sunday morning for lunch with eCG folks at the Wees’ place.

Esther helped kill the crabs (only 2 were still alive after 1 night), and David helped with the washing.

We made the sauce with tomato ketchup, sambal chili, soya sauce, salt, sugar, garlic, ginger and gin.

We made two versions, 2 carbs with less chili for the children and 4 crabs with strong chili.

We arrived at the Wees’ place a bit early and had some fun time in the pool.

Then the BBQ started. We also had some durians from Chatsworth!

We had lots of food, including chicken, salad, potatoes, corn, cauliflower, bread, sausages, ham, steak, dessert and fruits with wine and beer.

We thank God for a great time of fellowship and food on a rainy afternoon.

Church Youth Camp, Star Wars 8, Esther baking, YowCH working in KL

Esther and David attending Church Youth Camp from 11 until 15 Dec. During the week-long program, they had good time learning about God and bonding with their church friends.

Esther was in the Camp Organizing Committee.

For the week where Esther and David were in church, Joseph stayed over at Sorrento. Joseph had a good time baking cakes, bread and cookies with grandma.

On 17 Dec 2017, Sunday, we went to watch Star Wars VIII, courtesy of our Prudential insurance agent, at Vivocity. Very complex story, and nice effects.

After the camp, Esther and her friend Rebecca, baked some cookies for their church Disciple Group friends at Grace’s mom’s kitchen.

YowCH have been travelling weekly on Mondays to KL for meeting on the Tugu project for the month of Dec. Tiring and time consuming, but a challenging and exciting civil engineering project 1n homeland.