Entries Tagged as 'Church'

Weekend updates

Samuel did his Chinese tuition homework with Joseph helping:

Esther’s team lead worship on recorded video, Esther on the ukulele, Rihika played the drums on our drum set:

Lunch on 19 June, Esther torching cod bones (from swim coach):

Dinner on 19 June (fish head curry, the fish head from swim coach):

Sunday lunch: frog leg porridge, torched cod, salted egg prawns:

Esther went for the driving class, including simulator training (for accident situations and such) and road drive:

Sunday dinner, 20 June (waxed meat rice):

David and Joseph vaccination, Samuel story online, YowCH tapao

David received his first Covid vaccination dose on 8 June and Joseph got his on 14 June.

It is also duan wu jie on 14 June, we had zhong.

Dinner on 14 June:

The first time a major error by Lazada, ordered some sports shorts but 10 hair brushes came instead. YowCH returned them:

Samuel had online story-time organised by the National Library. This will be over a few weeks on Wednesdays, part of school holiday activities.

Dinner on 15 June (zhong from Grace’s mom):

Some of YowCH’s tapao food at Chye Joo:

Dinner on 16 June (mussels):

Very good fuel efficiency on the Ody, at 12km/L over 400km, Covid period has some good points, too.

Dinner on 18 June (breaded chicken wings):

Samuel made a hook:

YowCH recorded a video to teach memory verse online to the church Juniors

Weekend updates, Sam’s church camp, crabs

YowCH doing his gym exercises at home, while he also does his brisk walks and swims:

Samuel attended the online KFC camp (YowCH was conducting it, too in)

Lunch on 12 June (torched Wagyu beef cubes):

YowCH cleaned the kitchen wall and mounted the Ikea stainless steel wall-shields savlvaged from the Yong’s Bishan flat.

Dinner on 12 June (fried instant noodles)

YowCH bought some live oysters from Sheng Siong (while the children were swimming):

We had a simple lunch:

Also bought some live crabs, Samuel and Joseph had fun killing the crabs!

YowCH’s chilli crab:

Nice to be eaten with mantou:

Dinner on 13 June (crabs):

Also made one slice of siew yuk in the air fryer:

Dinners, Church Camp (on-line), weekend stuff

Some dinners we cooked, 1 June:

2 June:

3 June (mantou pork belly):

On 4 June, YowCH replaced the kitchen tap with the much better one salvaged from the Yong’s Bishan flat:

Dinner on 4 June:

The first session of our Church Camp (online Camp, called Camp-ference) was after Friday dinner. Esther is under adult now, so she joined us.

The speaker is Bishop Solomon.

Saturday, Joseph had online tuition:

Grace, YowCH and Esther had Church Camp sessions.

YowCH hosted the BCG small group discussion.

We had lunch at home, lots of seafood:

Grace made a cheesecake for Esther’s birthday (on 6 June).

Our Saturday night dinner:

On Sunday, YowCH cooked laksa instant noodles with lots of garnishing for breakfast with Grace.

Church Camp-ference continues.


As the Church Camp ended in the morning, we celebrated Esther’s birthday after lunch, refer to the next post. YowCH made some Portuguese egg-tarts, and…

… siew yuk, using the air fryer.

We had pan-fried steak and backed seabass for dinner:

Weekend – YowCH walk & egg tarts, Esther worship & Youtube, Grace lava cake, Yongs’ move

29 May, YowCH’s second brisk walk of 2.5km, covered in 21m15s, much faster than last Tuesday night.

Completed the walk just as the rain started.

Saturday lunch:

Esther was in the worship team (recorded) for Youth service.

Grace made lava cake using the air fryer:

Resulting cake was good, but seems overcooked, no flowing lava.

YowCH recorded teaching memory verse for church juniors, presented on 29 May.

For dinner, we had wanton mee. This time, we had pork and prawn wantons.

Pork wantons were fried in the air fryer, and the prawn wantons were cooked in soup.

Sunday breakfast.

Samuel attending his Chinese tuition online.

Lunch with fresh oysters and scallops (from Sheng Siong).

YowCH did the shucking, a very new experience.

YowCH made egg tarts (with flaky skin) using the air fryer.

Cooked gong bao frog legs for dinner, very nice. Frog legs from Sheng Siong.

On Monday, we took leave to help the Yongs move home from the Bishan HDB flat to The Scala (at Ang Mo Kio).

While helping with the move, we saw Esther’s music video cover of the song “At My Worst” premier on Youtube. Then we ordered Fat boys burgers and picked them up from the Thomson outlet for dinner at home. YowCH tried the ‘impossible’ burger, which is vegetarian but tasted just like meat, quite good, but not worth the high price.

Weekend – KFC worship, swim, Ting Hai

YowCH and Samuel recorded 3 worship services for Church Junior Sunday School in one afternoon on Saturday, 15 May.

On Sunday, we went for swim, the pool was very empty.

We had dimsum lunch after swim.

In the afternoon, YowCH recorded 听海 (Ting Hai) with Esther’s help. YowCH played guitar, bass and sang.

Esther played the keyboard, electric guitar and drums (using midi on keyboard).

She did the editing and balancing.

Click on the photo below for the video.

After the recording, we had a simple dinner at home.

Food, David’s sprained ankle, popiah, Esther’s driving

Dinner with the younger boys at Vivocity, nice Ramen, on 7 May.

David sprained his ankle in school, but nothing too serious.

We joined a Church event to support our missions, in this case Bali. This even was held online on 8 May 2021.

And we ate Indonesian food, ayam penyet while learning about the mission field in Bali.

We ordered Subway for lunch on Sunday, 9 May.

Esther went for her driving practice.

We had dinner with Grace’s parents and Gene, popiah!

Guitar pedal, Finis Duo, KFC outing, YowCH hair dye at home, Esther driving

Esther got a second-hand effects pedal from a local guy, and she enjoys pairing it with the electric guitar. It is a Boss ME25, and she got it at $150 (new is about $300+).

David’s swim headphones (second-hand) spoilt after more than 30 months (since Aug 2018). He found the new Finis Duo on Amazon for $150.

YowCH, Grace and Samuel had instant noodles for lunch on Saturday before church. The older children went to church to eat.

YowCH took his KFC class (Primary 3) out to Clementi Woods Park for the KFC class outing.

Samuel didn’t get any photos because his Primary 2 class didn’t want to take any photos.

On Sunday, Grace went to work (afternoon shift) while the rest went for swim, followed by lunch at AC Master Prata.

Back at home, YowCH renewed his hair dye.

In the afternoon, Esther went for her driving class. She has been regularly driving on the road with the instructor.

For dinner (before fetching Grace), we went to United Square for dinner at Yayoi.

YowCH Covid vaccine, David’s awards, Ody headrests, kalimbas

YowCH took his first shot of Covid vaccine on 5 April at Radin Mas. Only a short wait in the morning.

A simple home-cooked dinner.

On 7 April, we got official news that David was given several awards in Gan Eng Seng Secondary School for his academic performance in O-levels. Here are the screenshots from the YouTube video of the online-awards ceremony.
GESS Progress Award:

Gan-clan Academic Value-added Award:

Academic Excellence Award:

YowCH had some yam cakes (made by Grace’s mom) for snacks.

On 8 April, Grace cooked dinner.

Salted-egg sauce with scallops (and prawns in another plate, Esther is allergic to prawns).

And a dessert made from old bread.

YowCH added 2 more sets of the head-rests to the Odyssey for the middle row seats. Very nice to sleep on.

Here is a photo of Samuel at Kids For Christ (Junior Sunday School) on Saturday.

We received our kalimbas orders online from China, with 17 keys. They both sounds great! We had a smaller one made from coconut shell from Bintan quite some years ago (only 7 keys).

Dinner at home with mussels, and long ‘finger’ grapes.

Grace Covid Vaccine, Beacon Care-group men’s dinner, dinner with swim coaches

Grace received her first does of Covid Vaccine on 14 Jan 2021.

YowCH had dinner with the BCG men on 14 Jan after work, and had Western food at West Coast near Patrick’s place.

On 15 Jan, we had Korean BBQ with our swim coaches, Francis and Tobby.

We met Francis’ wife and children.

After dinner, the children had a good time playing together.