Entries Tagged as 'Family'

Our first pets – 2 red-ear sliders or terrapins (turtles)

The children wanted pets, and the lowest maintenance for HDB living would be the common turtles, ie red-ear sliders or terrapins from USA.

We dug out the concrete flower pot (with low walls) from IKEA, bought while we were at Redhill Close, then washed it really clean. With the walls rather low, we took some old plastic baskets from YowCH’s mum’s place and cut them up to size to form a higher fence.

Today, last day of the school holidays, we bought 2 terrapins at $3.00 each.

Here are the terrapins in their new home:

[all photos on this page by Esther]

Haze, “Man of Steel”, revive YowCH’s handphone

The haze situation in Singapore is quite bad due to Indonesian fires, starting from 17 June and looks like the skies are clearing only today (23 June). This photo outside our home was taken on a relatively clear day on 22 June.

In this hazy condition, our family photo is rather interesting:

We went out at 2:00pm to catch “Man of Steel” at Lido, courtesy of our insurance agents (Adelia Huang and Willy Tan, wife-husband team) at Lido. Very exciting, dark story and violent.

Then it was a nice burger dinner at &Made (French eatery in Pacific Plaza).

And after a terrible 4 hours, YowCH reloaded his repaired handphone for use starting on 23 June, Sunday.

Trip to Legoland and YowCH’s phone repaired

We took leave on Wednesday 19 June 2013 and went to a very quiet Legoland. We got to take most of the ride several times! Click on photos to enter the Legoland page.

YowCH’s phone which was sent for repairs on Monday was returned on Wednesday (to TYLin office) with a new mainboard and all data lost. Sad.

Baby 4 update

Today, we had the detailed scan, and thanks to school holidays, Esther, David and Joseph came along and saw the live ultrasound scanning.

Please go to the page for Baby 4 for the latest scans.

YowCH’s phone crashed

YowCH’s phone (HTC Desire X) crashed yesterday (16 June, Sunday) aged 7 months. The phone had trouble reading the SD card, asked for reboot and when rebooted, the phone showed the HTC sign and went black, never to wake again.

Sent into HTC at Keppel Tower (Harbourfront) during lunch today, and quite confirm that the main-board died. They will change the main-board, meaning that all data on board will be lost. That’s 2000 over contacts. The Outlook back-up was corrupted when YowCH tried to sync into the older HTC Desire. Miserable day.

HTC will repair and give free delivery to YowCH’s office when done.

But thank God that the older Desire was at hand as a back-up phone.

Church Camp 2013 at Kuantan

Our church camp was held from 10 to 14 June 2013 in Kuantan. We drove to PJ on 8 June and then went to Kuantan on 10 June. After camp, we returned to PJ and stayed one night, returning to Singapore by Saturday night.

Click on the photos below for the dedicated page.

Sending the Lims off, Esther’s birthday dinner

Samuel, Hwee Leng and their 5 children left for Melbourne on 1 June 2013 on a 23:55 flight. Yows and Lims were at the airport to send them off.

Today, we had dinner at MOF Tiong Bahru Plaza for Esther’s birthday. Mum, dad and Gene were with us for this Japanese meal.

Dinner with Grace’s uncle and 3rd and 4th Aunties

Grace’s Uncle, 3rd Aunt and 4th Aunt came over from Pontian today, and we had dinner with them together with parents and Gene at Jack’s Place, Anchorpoint. A good time of family fellowship over Western food dinner.

Joseph rejoins soccer training

After about half a year of not having soccer training, Joseph rejoined the soccer training today. We got him new long socks, shin guards and a new size 4 field ball.

He left previously because he was really too young to follow instructions, got distracted easily and rather disruptive to the session. Now, with threats of sending him for ballet classes instead, he agreed to behave well and participate actively. Today’s training went rather well with Joseph.

David had also improved his dribbling, passing and playing.

Fun with the Lims

We had a day off for Vesak Day holiday, and we spent the afternoon with the Lims cycling and playing at a playground, after a hearty Dim Sum lunch at Vivocity with them.