Entries Tagged as 'Joseph'

West Coast Wolves in CBC, dinner and drink

Our football training was disrupted by heavy rain and lightning, and we moved the team from Kent Ridge Secondary School to Clementi Bible Centre (our church building) for theory lessons.

It was a fruitful afternoon. Thank God for the space.

For dinner, we had Food Panda Western food, and finished with a nice Emperor Soju given by Paul.

Samuel learning piano, home cooking

We started Samuel on piano classes (same place as Esther) on 25 Oct 2018.

He enjoys playing and is learning well, albeit very naughty in class.

Here are some home cooked food. Dinner prepared mostly by David and a nice Cheesecake by Grace, David and Joseph.

2-day trip to PJ for Jeanne’s 1st birthday

We had a sort trip to PJ from 27 to 28 Oct without Esther and David to attend Jeanne’s 1st birthday party. Click the photos below to get to the page:

Sentosa trip for YowCH, Grace, Joseph and Samuel

During the PSLE marking break on 15 to 18 Oct, we took a 2 day trip to Sentosa with the 2 younger boys on 15 and 16 Oct.
Click on the photos below to get to the page:

Swim, West Coast Wolves 2018 uniform, Formula One

We went for our regular Sunday swim, even with Joseph and David completing the Gold standard. Our coach helped us take some nice underwater family shots.

In the afternoon, we received our 2018 West Coast Wolves soccer jerseys. One set for each of the boys!

In the evening, we watched live telecast of the Singapore Formula One while we had pizza.

David and Joseph achieved Swimsafer 2.0 Gold Standard

The older boys took the Swimsafer Gold Standard (Stage 6) test on Sunday 9 Sept 2018. After the written paper, they swam the following:

Swim (use standing dive entry for Front-Crawl, Breaststroke):
1. 100m Front-Crawl (within 3:00 min)
2. 100m Breaststroke (within 4:00 min)
3. 100m Backstroke (within 3:20 min)
4. 50m Survival Backstroke
5. 50m Sidestroke
6. 15m Butterfly

Dressed in swimwear, long pants, t-shirt, perform the following sequence
1. Enter deep water using a compact jump
2. Perform a head-first surface dive to a depth of 1.8m (and perform ear equalisation, if necessary)
3. Swim through hoops on pool bottom for 5m and resurface
4. Swim 45m quickly using front crawl
5. Then, swim slowly for a further 50m using any preferred survival swim stroke. Remove pants in deep water and make a float with it while treading water for 5m.
6. Demonstrate Heat Escape Lessening Posture (H.E.L.P.) technique for 1min with the self-made float
7. Then swim 25m with the self-made float and climb out of the water

Here’s the freestyle (David much faster than Joseph):



And they passed!

Esther swam 10 laps and then escorted Samuel for 8 laps, while YowCH did his regular 10 laps.

Grace was at work this Sunday.

Church Teachers’ day celebration

The Bible Church, Singapore celebrated Teachers’ Day on 25 and 26 August. As we attend Saturday service, we had a tea session before the church service.

Joseph lead the children and teachers in worship before eating.

The teachers took a group photo.

There were lots of nice food.

Later in the afternoon, during the main Saturday Service, the children presented a song, Thankful. Esther played the guitar (hidden on the left), YowCH played the ukulele and Joseph played the cajon (with Sean Koh) while Ryan (not in photo) played the piano to accompany the children.

Here is Samuel singing loudly and nicely!

Weekend updates – Gundam, soccer, Finis and alcohols

We found a pair of very small sized soccer boots in Adidas Outlet and bought for Samuel (discounted from $99 to $45).

YowCH also ordered two very strong liquors, Bacardi 151° rum (flammable) and Absinthe (75% alcohol!)

We got a pair of underwater headphones for David, to encourage him for the 50 laps challenge. Finis Duo is designed to transmit sound through bone conductance. New price in Singapore is about $240, we got this second hand at $100.

[added 21 Aug 2018] Photo of the headphones in use in the pool:

Joseph built these 7 Gundam SD models over the past 3 months. He really likes doing this.

Today, Joseph participated in the Bukit Batok East Tourney. We did not win, but had lots of fun and game time.

Sam opens durians, Jo’s Baby-G, Sam’s hormone injections

We bought some durians on Tuesday and Samuel was able to help open them.

We bought Joseph a Baby-G watch, BGA240-1A3, which is meant as a reward for him achieving Swimsafe Gold standard. He has not taken the swim test yet, but his watch is running dead, so we gave him the watch anyway because his training timings have reached the Gold standard.

Samuel is still not growing as fast as he should be, so the doctor in KKH recommended to start on hormone treatment to see if it helps.

This is the whole package:

The auto-injector is applied to the buttocks, with a mild stinging-pain.

Zoo trip with the Tans

We visited the zoo on 23 June, Saturday, with the Tans. Click photos below for the page: