Entries Tagged as 'Joseph'

West Coast Wolves hosted South-west League on 10 Mar 2019

The West Coast Wolves hosted the South-west League games at Clementi Stadium on 10 Mar 2019.
Samuel played a in the Under-6 team, and participated quite well.

Samuel’s team took 2nd place of 4 teams.

After the games, he sat around while Joseph’s games were played.

YowCH was assigned to manage the Under-15 team, and they play at the last sessions of the day.

Joseph’s team faced very tough opponents and they were knocked-out quite early (playing 3 games and losing all).

But Joseph played well during the games, especially in the third game.

The Under-12 team got medals for participation.

The Under-15 team got first place.

Overall, West Coast Wolves did quite well in this league.

It was a hot morning, and playing from 7:00am to 2:00pm, we went over to Sorrento for lunch followed by a dip in the cool pool.

Food we eat, Joseph’s wound healed, rolled-up piano

Some of our food:

Pasta by David:

Pasta by YowCH:

Popiah at Lao Baijing:

Food Panda delivered from Refuel:

Portuguese egg tarts:

Joseph’s head wound is healing well.

We bought a roll-up piano from a local guy through Carousell, $112.50 including courier. The buttons are hard to press, but better than no piano. With output to the external speakers, the sound is pretty good.

Joseph attended school adventure camp

Joseph attended an adventure camp organised by his school, at MOE Outdoor Adventure Learning Centre at Changi East, ran by Touch Community Services. He left on Monday morning for the 3-day-2-night camp.

On Tuesday night, when he was going to the toilet at about 10.10pm, he slipped off 3 steps and hit his head on the floor. A small cut resulted and due to the head injury, the teacher and camp commandant sent him to Changi General Hospital A&E. YowCH and Grace went to the hospital, too.

The cut was rather small, 10mm, and not deep, and there was no other pain or injury.

We waited for the doctor, the treatment, and the medication.

The wound was cleaned and glue was applied to seal it. Finally we left the hospital at 2:00am, reaching home at 2:30am.

Joseph was given 4 days MC and will miss the last day of camp. But he returned to school for lessons on Thursday.

Sam Lego, Boys’ long distance swim, Ezra’s birthday BBQ

Here is Samuel with his Lego set, he can follow the instruction and build the three different models:

On Sunday, 20 Jan, the three boys had their distance swims. Samuel had 8 laps, Joseph had 60 laps and David had 80 laps.

That was the start, spirit was high and good!
Samuel completed 8 laps (400m) in 31 mins 38 secs, way below the 60 mins passing time.

Joseph completed 60 laps (3.0km) in 1 hour 33 mins 55 secs, which is just beyond the 1 hour 30 mins passing time. Examiner says he may still pass if the exam board agrees to take into consideration his height (short) and age (10, most take 60 laps at 12).

David completed 80 laps (4.0km) in 1 hour 38 mins 12 secs, which is below the 1 hour 45 mins passing time.

Esther, Grace and YowCH also swam to accompany the boys, and to pace for them. Esther swam about 20 laps total, Grace did 32 laps and YowCH 10 laps (very hard swims, after recovery from 2 weeks of flu). Overall, the boys did very well for their swims! We had a nice lunch at Henderson after the swim.

In the evening, we visited the Lims for BBQ, a birthday party for Ezra. The evening started with the children in the pool.

Then it was great food!

We contributed mala chicken, Bloody Mary, cider and shandy.

The fellowship and food was great.

That’s the birthday photo with the children.

The night before, Grace made a draw-string bag as present for Ezra. The bag was done very nicely, and the Star Wars fabric was really cool.

Relaxing stay at The Shorea

We took a 3D2N holiday to The Shorea from Monday, 10 Dec to Wednesday, 12 Dec, without Esther and David who were at the church Youth Camp.

Click on photos below to see the page:

YowCH’s bike fall, Church carols singing at West Coast, Joseph’s Batam trip testimony, soccer in the rain

On Saturday, 1 Dec, YowCH went for his regular run and then continued with 5.00km of cycling within the carpark area. At 4.95km, he had a fall and hurt his knees, left wrist and sprained his neck. Thank God all the injuries are minor. The bike slipped at a turn on rather slippery surface.

In the evening, YowCH and Esther performed as musicians for the church’s carols choir team at West Coast area. It was very tiring but fun.

It was rather boring for the boys waiting for the event to start.

The first part started at 7:10pm and we sang for about 12 minutes, before the Member of Parliament conducted the Christmas Tree lighting ceremony and the Aerobics Cheer-leading performance.

David helped with the video and Grace took photos.

During the break, we had to replace one string on Esther’s Takamine which broke during the first part.

The second part started at about 7:40pm and we played adn sang for another 30 minutes. Esther had a soloist part!

After carol signing, we had a late dinner at Xin Wang, West Coast Plaza.

On Sunday, Joseph shared his testimony with the rest of the Juniors in church during the post-Batam trip party in church. We did not swim this weekend to attend this party.

After the party, we went to Decathlon, Joo Koon to get some sports stuff while heavy rain poured outside. We had sushi lunch at Sushi Express, where every plate is $1.50 and the green tea is free. Total of 40 plates.

After the rain, Joseph and Samuel attended football practice. We saw a nice rainbow, which later grew to a full-arc!

And after the rainbows, it started pouring again!

Joseph and Esther on Mission Trip to Batam

From 23 to 25 Nov, Joseph joined our church’s mission trip to Batam under the juniors program, and Esther went along as an adult helper.

Click on the photos below for the page:

Joseph’s birthday dinner, HDB loan paid off [edit: until Apr 2019], YowCH’s health check

We did an early birthday dinner for Joseph at Morganfield on Tuesday night as he will be away on a church mission trip this coming weekend.

We had lots of meat!

Our HDB flat loan has been fully paid off! the flat is now fully owned! Well, not that we own it, but we have paid in full the lump sum tenancy.
[CORRECTION: 11 Jan 2019: We are still paying the loan until April 2019]

YowCH went for his health check on 31 Oct and met the doctor for the results on Wednesday. Thank God that all is well (even his blood pressure), but high on cholesterol. Need to reduce fatty food, seafood and other food with high cholesterol. Regular exercises of 2 runs and 1 swim (and football coaching) weekly is certainly helpful.

Joseph’s phone line

We have given Joseph his own phone line on 19 Nov. He will be using David’s previous iPhone SE, and we will sell the iPhone XR 128GB on Carousell.

We have also issued one set of house keys to Joseph. By next year, at 10+ age and attending Primary 5, he will be old enough to manage his own matters.

He will celebrate his birthday this weekend in Batam during a church mission trip (attended by Esther and Joseph).

West Coast Wolves junior league 11 Nov

The West Coast Wolves hosted a soccer league game at Clementi Station, with partnership of Ulu Pandan and Taman Jurong.

It was a great morning, cool air and nice sunlight.

YowCH was doing photography and management of the West Coast teams (Under-6, U-8, U-10 and U-12).

Under-6, with Samuel.

Under-10 with Joseph.

Samuel was totally enjoying himself as a reserve. He didn’t play at all, but watched the games and had snacks.

Joseph played goalkeeper. But the opponents in U-10 were all very strong, his team did not win any of the games!

Samuel’s team won the U-6 group! He is a champion, even though he didn’t play! Actually, there were only 2 U-6 groups and the other group wasn’t very good.

Joseph got a medal for participation.

Lunch was provided, and right after the final U-12 games, the weather turned bad and it started to pour!