Entries Tagged as 'Joseph'

YowCH ran 10km, Joseph & David shoe bags, Samuel with backpack, dinner at Porn’s

This is the first time YowCH managed to cover 10km in a run. Well, there was included about 1.2km of walks (should have persevered and walked less for better timing).

Just short of 2 minutes and 37 seconds to keep the 10km under 1 hour.

The target was originally 8km, but along the way, high in adrenaline, he decided to push to the 10km.

The swim with the family after the run (and breakfast) was very relaxing!

In the afternoon, Joseph and David went for soccer while Esther went to ballet. The boys had new shoe bags, matching colours with their water bottles.

For dinner, we went to Star Vista. Samuel carries his own backpack with water bottle and diapers and changing stuff.

Dinner was Thai food at Porn’s (Pornsak’s). Very nice!

Good Friday at church playground, Esther baking with friend

We spent some time at the Church playground after Good Friday service.

Samuel really enjoys the slides. But he likes to slide head down!

Here are the children playing.

The 4.

Esther invited her friend, Chloe, over to our place and practiced baking cupcakes for her school exams.

While waiting for the cake to bake, they played Wii for a while.

David was also inspired and he did some crepes, filled with Nutella, peanut butter or marmalade.

Weekend update

Our church cell group, eCG, had our lo-hei at the Leongs’ place on Friday night.

Esther and Grace made some really nice cupcakes and shared them.

On Saturday, at about lunch time, YowCH’s parents arrived with Loon, Daren and Yen Li. We had lunch at Goldhill Chicken Rice.

Then the Tans went to visit relatives, and the Yows had dinner at Great World City’s Crystal Jade. With the CNY crowd, the adults were seated away from the children, at two distant tables.

After dinner, we sent parents to Bishan.

On Sunday, we spent some time at home in the morning, and we took some photos of Samuel happily walking about. Here’s Samuel taking a fun-stroll outside home.

As usual, we went for our swim before lunch. The boys then went to the Community Football League friendly matches at Rainforest, Turf City.

David was rather tired after the swim, but he played very well.

Joseph was not very focused and didn’t play too well, but he tried.

For dinner, the whole family (parents, us, Yongs and Tans) met at Star Vista and had seafood at Boston Seafood Shack.

This morning (Monday) is the start of David’s 3-day camp with his school. Here’s David with his camping bag fully packed.

The Tans and parents returned to PJ after breakfast.

First day of school

School starts on 2 Jan (Friday). Here are photos of Joseph and Esther in their new school uniforms. Esther at Queenstown Secondary School, and Joseph follows his sister and brother to Gan Eng Seng Primary School.

And here are all three school children all ready for 2015:

YowCH first dropped Esther, at about 7:00am, and then brought the boys to school at 7:05am. David led Joseph into the school.

Thank God that Joseph is so independent and David can lead him; the rest of the P1 students and parents were very much queuing to register and get into the school. Car and school bus traffic was very heavy, too.

UPDATED: 3:30pm
YowCH drove over to pick Esther, then the boys as they all ended at about lunch time. You can see that all three are very happy with day 1.

Joseph’s kindergarten graduation concert

Today is Joseph’s last day as a kindergarten student. He went to school early to prepare for the graduation concert.

The concert was at RELC (Regional Language Centre) Hotel auditorium. Here’s his class.

The children from various Learning Vision centres then performed several shows, with each centre doing a Chinese and an English Skit each.

Joseph’s speaking role in the English skit was very major, and he did well in his voice, expressions and acting performance.

He’ll be going to Primary 1 next year, which is just a few weeks away.

Henna tattoos

YowCH painted some henna tattoos on the children.

After the henna dried, we rubbed the stuff off, but the stained part wasn’t very dark.

Joseph’s 6th birthday celebration

Joseph celebrated his 6th birthday among his friends at the childcare. Grace got him a cake of number “6″ with 3 dinosaurs.

The cake was very well liked by the children. Esther, David and Samuel were all present to celebrate with Joseph.

We got some guitar floats as gifts for Joseph’s friends. They all enjoyed getting the ‘balloon guitars’, literally air guitars!

Back at home, Joseph got a watch from YowCH and Grace, and a Lego Chima Legend Beast from Esther.

Here are some family photos with Joseph.

And here are the three older children with their Casio watches.

Yows doing “That Thing You Do” – Facebook

For YowCH’s Facebook “Close Friends”, you can watch this video of Esther, David and YowCH doing “That Thing You Do” with Joseph handling the video camera.

Samuel’s goggles for swim

We went for swim again today, and took a pair of goggles from swim coach for Samuel. Matching colours with his swim suit.

He really didn’t like it.

Here are some photos of Esther, David and Joseph in the pool during lessons:

And that’s coach Francis Tay, nice guy.

We noted that some condensation formed inside the underwater casing of the camera, but it wasn’t a leak. Probably due to moisture trapped in the case when we sealed it, and then the heat from the camera body cause the condensation to happen at the coolest point, that is the lens area which is furthest from the body.

Joseph’s pirate ship & soccer, Samuel’s teeth

Joseph received a wood craft ship from his classmate Katelyn. We built it on Saturday. The sails were plain white, so we printed some pirate design instead!

David also suggested painting the ship. We’ll see how to go about that.

On Sunday, Joseph played at The Rainforest again, friendly matches.

David was at the neighbouring Centaurs Sports Park with five other West Coast boys on loan to the another team that was short of players. Good exposure and made new friends.

Samuel had 4 teeth erupting over the past week (with fever) and missed one week of school. He was having his teething holiday with grandparents at Moh Guan. Now he has 6 teeth!

Esther will be baptised this coming Saturday.