Entries Tagged as 'Joseph'

First day of school

Start of 2016

On the eve of New Year, we went to church for the Thanksgiving Service, then returned home to have some quiet family time. Grace worked on 1 Jan 2016, and YowCH brought the children out to cycle.

We even rode to the home of our friends, Quincy and family. Later, we had chicken rice for lunch, and started Samuel on the small bike to see if he can balance. Not ready yet:

Then we had a nice Western meal at The Ship to start off 2016.

This restaurant was where YowCH brought Grace out for a nice meal the first time when they dated back in 1994.

A nice dinner!

On Saturday we went to church, and just before reaching church, we had the children pose for this photo, showing all our children rolling their tongues:

Then we had a nice grill dinner at Grace’s parents’ place.

On Sunday, just before school re-opens, Grace went to work again. YowCH brought the children to swim class and chicken rice lunch thereafter. Then Esther took bus to ballet class while YowCH brought the boys to the West Coast Wolves soccer training. Samuel was happily joining in the fun.

This is Joseph:

And David:

Christmas Day

We went to church early in the morning. Samuel was very excited over the beautiful Christmas decorations.

He was also very enthusiastically singing along the Christmas songs during service.

Here’s a family photo taken after church. Thanks to Bernard Wee.

After church, we went for an early lunch at MacDonald’s followed with groceries shopping.

And here is Joseph, having completed the Lego Advent Set.

In the evening, we went to Gene’s place, Sorrento, for a swim, followed by dinner with the family and a nice time of singing.

Caroling on Christmas Eve, Lego for Joseph and Samuel

As we did for the past few years, we went singing carols with our church on Christmas Eve. YowCH was with David and Joseph at NUH lobby, while Esther went to the wards of NTFH.

Here’s Esther leaving church, getting on to the bus.

And this is the NUH lobby.

David played the cajon, Joseph played tambourines and maracas, while YowCH sang and played guitar or, ukulele.

We gave Joseph a set of Lego City Advent Calendar, which he started last night.

And Samuel, now older than 2 years, we took out the Duplo box, and he was overjoyed, saying “Samuel’s Lego” immediately.

We then had dinner with Grace’s parents, packed Indian-Muslim food from Al-Amaan.

Dinner at Shin Yeh, Esther, David going to camp, Joseph on holiday-stay

We had a nice dinner at Shin Yeh (Taiwan food) at Liang Court on Sunday night. We ordered quite a large selection of dishes.

Here we are, all digging in:

We actually finished almost all the food!

And then, we had dessert (red-bean pancake and yam balls):

Later, YowCH sent Esther, David and Joseph to their grandparents’ place at Sorrento. Esther and David will stay over one night, then go to Church Youth Camp at Kota Tinggi on Monday morning, and return on Friday. With the older children away, we sent Joseph on a holiday-stay, too.

They will come home on Saturday, after YowCH’s company annual dinner on Friday night. We will also send Samuel to Sorrento on Friday for one night stay!

Esther’s choir (26 Nov) and soccer tourney (5 Dec)

On 26 Nov, Thursday (just before our trip to PJ), Esther performed at Victoria Concert Hall. Grace, David and Joseph went with Gene (YowCH was at a corporate event).
This is the combined choirs of several schools:

That’s Esther highlighted.

This is Queenstown Secondary School choir.

Esther in her choir gown (the gown is a little short, as she grew quite a lot in 2015).

And the family photo, with thanks to Gene.

On Saturday, YowCH brought David and Joseph to the Yuhua soccer tourney at Shuqun Sec school. That’s Joseph playing the goal-keeper:

YowCH helped with admin work for the West Coast Wolves.

And that’s David at training/warm-up.

The medal presentation for the Under 7 teams. The Wolves took 3rd place (5 teams participating).

Towards the afternoon, the games were stopped due to lightning and rains.

Sadly, our Fuji XF1 camera spoilt again during the games. The photos above are all from our soccer friend, Liew, except for the combo of Joseph.

Joseph is seven today

Happy birthday, Joseph. Seven years old now.

YowCH brought Joseph for a birthday lunch with David at MacDonald’s (Bukit Merah Central).

Esther was at school for choir practice, Samuel in childcare, and Grace at work.

Later in the evening, after Chinese lessons, we had a special ‘cake’ with candle for Joseph.

Joseph’s birthday at eCG, zoo trip with TYLin, Samuel first day at church toddler class

We celebrated Joseph’s birthday at eCG meeting with a simple salted caramel cheese cake (very nice), together with Sonja and Eli, on Friday night.

Today is TYLin Family Day. We reached the zoo at 8:00am to mange the TYLin staff and walked the zoo from 9:30am until 2:15pm. We saw the newborn giraffe! Click on the photos below to get to the page.

After the zoo trip, we went to church, and Samuel started attending the toddlers’ class today.

Weekend updates

With Grace’s parents having moved to West Coast, we have been preparing our own dinners after work, here are some examples:

Grace has been busy with her revived hobby, knitting:

She has made some beanies, pull-overs, and soft toys, here is Esther with her pull-over and a bear in progress.

On Sunday, after the weekly swim, David played a friendly game of soccer against ACS Barker Road. He was the goalie (given his basketball training, he was the best candidate). It drizzled for about 30 minutes during the game.

Joseph had his regular soccer training.

In the evening, we went to Bishan Park to meet up with YowCH’s sister for dinner. Samuel was happily rolling about on the Y-glider, although he is not really driving it yet.

Joseph was really fast on the Y-glider!

Dinner was at Cornerstone, we had a great time with the Yong family.

Violin lessons for David and Joseph

With David and Joseph agreeing to committed lessons to learn the violin, grace contacted a teacher from on-line adverts and found Joyce, a Singaporean-Korean lady, to teach.

We will need to get a 1/4 violin for Joseph, and a full-size for David (currently, we have a 1/2 size and the full-size is electric, not suitable).

Our family band will be richer once the boys are able to play well.