Entries Tagged as 'Grace'

Grace’s birthday meals

On 13 July, Grace had dinner with YowCH and Samuel at Three Little Pigs (Tiong Bahru Plaza). The other children were in their Chinese classes.

That night, Grace had 3 cakes from Esther. We opened the Hwayo (high grade soju) and had a nice drink.

On Sunday, 16 July, we met YowCH’s sister at Vivocity for dinner at Morganfield’s. Really nice fellowship over ribs and other meats.

After dinner, we took a walk on the waterfront facing Sentosa.

Sam’s Moana Lego, Grace’s early birthday dinner

We bought a set of Lego for Samuel, with Moana, Maui, Hei Hei, a boat and an island. He was able to follow 60% of the instructions and built it over 3 nights with the other guiding him.

On Tuesday night, 11 July, we had an early birthday dinner for Grace at Xin Wang. The birthday package included this huge mango ice.

Grace’s G-Shock AW591-4A

YowCH bought Grace an anniversary present, the G-Shock AW591-4A, a black-and-red G-shock, suitable for her size and sports life.

It is smaller than the man-sized G-Shock, yet not a Baby-G. Smooth rounded edges and a nice bright red.

Her Seiko automatic watch is hereby retired.

New phones for David and Grace

With the contracts expired and eligible for handset change, and the old phones were starting to give problems, Grace and David changed phones shortly after Esther did.

David got his iPhoneSE on 4 Oct 2016 to replace his HTC Desire 510. Here’s the iSE with UAG armour case, not seen is the matt surface tampered glass screen protector.

Grace got her Samsung S7 (silver) also on 4 Oct 2016, which is the same model as YowCH’s S7 (black), to replace her S5.

Grace later got herself a transparent red UAG armour case.

Long distance swim exam for Esther, David and Joseph

Today the children had distance test in swimming. 1.5km for Esther Yow and David within 1.0hr, and 800m for Joseph within 45mins. Esther did it in 56mins06secs, David in 46mins27secs, and Joseph in 44mins37secs. All passed and very well done.
Grace Chan also swam 700m total, the most she ever did in one session.

Weekend trip to PJ, TYLin KL Annual Dinner

We had a short 2-day trip to PJ for YowCH’s company KL office annual dinner and to visit YowCH’s parents and sister. Click here for the page.

Weekend updates

With Grace’s parents having moved to West Coast, we have been preparing our own dinners after work, here are some examples:

Grace has been busy with her revived hobby, knitting:

She has made some beanies, pull-overs, and soft toys, here is Esther with her pull-over and a bear in progress.

On Sunday, after the weekly swim, David played a friendly game of soccer against ACS Barker Road. He was the goalie (given his basketball training, he was the best candidate). It drizzled for about 30 minutes during the game.

Joseph had his regular soccer training.

In the evening, we went to Bishan Park to meet up with YowCH’s sister for dinner. Samuel was happily rolling about on the Y-glider, although he is not really driving it yet.

Joseph was really fast on the Y-glider!

Dinner was at Cornerstone, we had a great time with the Yong family.

Beijing trip with TYLin

We have uploaded our photos of the Beijing trip from 21 to 25 Oct 2015. This is the TYLin annual company trip and YowCH serves in the committee this year. This is also an escape for YowCH and GRace for the 15th anniversary (in 2 months).

Click here or on the photos below to go to the site.

Isis front tyres swop

The car tyres will be changed by next month, the general wearing and age is about right at 48,000km and 2+years. But the front left has worn more than the front right.

So YowCH took the opportunity get the girls to swop the tyres manually, using the spare donut (undersized) as temporary support.

As the lug-nuts were rather tight, YowCH did the release and tightening of the nuts.

Above is the donut standing in temporarily. This tyre cannot be used for the front when the car is driven.

Successfully done in about 40 minutes.

Happy birthday, Grace

It’s Grace’s birthday and we had dinner at Cedele, Great World City, with Grace’s parents and sister. Here’s a nice photo Gene took for us.

And the slice of birthday cake that Esther bought.