Entries Tagged as 'David'

Esther leading worship, inter-churches football

Esther was the worship leader for Youth Sunday this year:

Her voice was clear and the delivery of the songs, bible reading and prayer was very nice.

The team went through the Saturday service and the 2 Sunday services.

On Sunday, Grace swam 20 laps, David and YowCH swam 10 each, Joseph swam 8 and Samuel swam 4 (Esther was leading worship). After swim, we had football training. David helped out on the field as part of his school volunteer community service. After training, we stayed on and watched the football friendly match between The Bible Church, Singapore and Mount Carmel Bible Presbyterian Church. David played for TBC,S for a short while.

There was a case of a Mt Carmel payer getting a bad cramp, and YowCH helped him off the field.

Our church was in red. We lost 1:4.

The group photo of both teams.

Weekend – swim, football, durians

Some updates:
Esther had a stay-over in CJC on Friday night, while David had a 2-nights stay over in church. Esther then joined David in church on Saturday night.

YowCH was teaching cajon to the church Juniors over Saturday and Sunday.

Samuel can now do 1 full lap (50m) in freestyle. Although his kicking is still not strong and his stroke is not nice, he managed to complete the lap.

Here’s a little problem of having a sun-roof, you get to see the bird shit on the car.

After swim, we had soccer practice as usual, and Joseph sprained his wrist while playing as goalkeeper. Nothing serious. YowCH did the bandage, to help immobilise and let the sprain heal faster.

We had dinner at Carrara Cafe, and bought some Mao Shan Wang during for supper.

Here’s Samuel trying to lift 6kg of durians. Being a bumper crop this year due to hot weather, MSW was selling at $16/kg rather than the usual $28/kg.

Samuel can help to open durians now, he is quite good at it.

A family photo without David, as he doesn’t even like the Durian smell.

After durians, we watched a nice thriller-superhero movie “Glass” at home.

Swim – butterfly

The children has gotten to swimming butterfly. Firstly, a photo from last week, of Samuel making a good dive:

This is David on butterfly, with Esther doing freestyle. The two had the same timing.

This is Esther doing butterfly:

And Joseph:

And Samuel, trying to do butterfly:

After all the hard swim, we had lunch with coaches Francis and Tobby at Henderson Kay Lee (roast meat):

YowCH and David visit Semakau Island

David’s school organised a Dads-for-life event, a visit to Semakau Island. click on the photos below to get to the page.

Big bowl noodle again, David on guitar

We had another round of big bowl noodle at Tongue Tip on Thursday, this time with Esther.

David had learnt some basic guitar chords and he is able to play some songs, all thanks to the Church programme “Level-up” to bring the young members to a higher level of skills in service.

David’s 15th birthday

David turned 15 on Sunday, 2 Mar. We had a nice Korean BBQ dinner at Nanta BBQ, near United Square.

Here’s a look at the young man.

The food we had were great.

We got him a pair of cool looking running shoes: Nike Air Max.

Supermoon Samuel, views from bedroom

Supermoon (full moon and nearest to earth) happened on Tuesday, but the moon was still very full on Wednesday night. YowCH brought Samuel out to see the moon and had some fun at the “O” of Block 38.

Saturday morning views from the bedroom window, before the regular run.

This is YowCH’s office tower.

This morning, YowCH ran 4.0km, and David did 2.4km.

Sam Lego, Boys’ long distance swim, Ezra’s birthday BBQ

Here is Samuel with his Lego set, he can follow the instruction and build the three different models:

On Sunday, 20 Jan, the three boys had their distance swims. Samuel had 8 laps, Joseph had 60 laps and David had 80 laps.

That was the start, spirit was high and good!
Samuel completed 8 laps (400m) in 31 mins 38 secs, way below the 60 mins passing time.

Joseph completed 60 laps (3.0km) in 1 hour 33 mins 55 secs, which is just beyond the 1 hour 30 mins passing time. Examiner says he may still pass if the exam board agrees to take into consideration his height (short) and age (10, most take 60 laps at 12).

David completed 80 laps (4.0km) in 1 hour 38 mins 12 secs, which is below the 1 hour 45 mins passing time.

Esther, Grace and YowCH also swam to accompany the boys, and to pace for them. Esther swam about 20 laps total, Grace did 32 laps and YowCH 10 laps (very hard swims, after recovery from 2 weeks of flu). Overall, the boys did very well for their swims! We had a nice lunch at Henderson after the swim.

In the evening, we visited the Lims for BBQ, a birthday party for Ezra. The evening started with the children in the pool.

Then it was great food!

We contributed mala chicken, Bloody Mary, cider and shandy.

The fellowship and food was great.

That’s the birthday photo with the children.

The night before, Grace made a draw-string bag as present for Ezra. The bag was done very nicely, and the Star Wars fabric was really cool.

Updated with Esther and David at Youth Camp

Esther and David were in the Church Youth Camp at Bethany Christian Church at Kota Tinggi from 10 to 14 Dec 2018 (while YowCH, Grace, Joseph and Samuel were in The Shorea).

Click on the photos below for the page:

West Coast Wolves in CBC, dinner and drink

Our football training was disrupted by heavy rain and lightning, and we moved the team from Kent Ridge Secondary School to Clementi Bible Centre (our church building) for theory lessons.

It was a fruitful afternoon. Thank God for the space.

For dinner, we had Food Panda Western food, and finished with a nice Emperor Soju given by Paul.