Entries Tagged as 'David'

Eating out (from July)

With the restrictions lifted due to lower cases of community Covid detected, we can eat out! However, still restricted to max 5 persons per table.

200702, YowCH and Grace at ABC, met Lee Hsien Yang canvassing for Progress Singapore Party (PSP).

200703, YowCH with Grace’s parents.



200719 (as we sent Samuel to Chinese tuition).


200721, all 6 of us, but in 2 separate tables (max 5 per table).

200726, while Samuel is having Chinese tuition.

200727, with Esther.

200728, with David, Joseph and Samuel.

200729, after school, Mister Prata.

200730, after school, Encik Tan.

Various happenings, packing up sewing machine

Racial harmony day, the boys in traditional clothes.

Esther and YowCH having Parents-Teachers video meeting.

Samuel attending church service online.

Grace’s Singer sewing machine is cleaned and packed up, now that she has gotten the more powerful Futura CE-250.

Samuel at Chinese tuition, he needed some extra lessons just before leaving.

Dinner with parents, masks from Temasek, sports

Our Church sent a pack of goodies and activities to Samuel for Father’s Day.

Grace’s parents came over for dinner on 28 June (with government allowing not more than 5 visitors, better they come than we go). YowCH cooked wonton mee.

After dinner, mom used the Xiaomi hair clipper to cut dad’s hair.

Sunday, 28 June, Samuel watching the worship lead by YowCH (with Esther and Joseph) recorded on 9 June.

On Monday, we collected the masks issued by Temasek. These masks are better than the earlier ones from the government.

Some sports we did in June, David got to play basketball with his friends (limited to 5 persons, though).

YowCH continued his exercises and bought a yoga ball (from Lazada, delivered in 3 days) to do the exercises prescribed by his physio-therapist from the chiropractor.

YowCH was also very regular in his runs. From the calendar, he has been making 3x 2.5km runs weekly, with a 4.0km or 5.0km run on Sundays.

In 6 months, he covered almost the distance of all his runs on 2019.

Laptop for David

YowCH also ordered a new laptop from Challenger for David, given that Esther’s old laptop ($499) was rather slow and not good enough for school work. We chose a Lenovo Ideapad Flex 5 14IIL05 with Intel Core i5 running at 1GHz, 8GB RAM and 512GB SSD. Came on 16 June, together with a stylus, a bag and Star Wars Jedi Challenges Augmented Reality game set, all for $1297.45.

The laptop has touch-screen, full HD and flips all around to convert to a tablet. The stylus is pressure sensitive, useful for drawing and writing.

Here is the Star Wars hardware, we downloaded the software into our old phone, Samsung S7, since the new phones are too large to fit.

Samuel enjoys the game, fighting like a Jedi with his digital light saber. He is wearing his bicycle helmet because the head gear is too big for his head.

Samuel HBL, David’s new iPhone SE2

15 June, Monday morning, Samuel had Home-based Learning again, and this is his morning assembly:

Grace ordered David’s new iPhone SE 2nd Generation and it was delivered to our home.

Transfer of data from his old phone was very smooth.

Updates, with siew yuk

Second week of June, Samuel’s return to school.

YowCH took part in a Covid-19 research (giving blood sample), and for his efforts, received $70 NTUC vouchers.

He also went to the chiropractic to check on his back pains, and while waiting for his appointment, he had a haircut.

In the afternoon, David worked on another piece of siew yuk.

Sadly, the skin is still not crispy. We need to refine our method further.

Cast iron pan and wok

We ordered a cast iron pan from China, as David says it is a good pan for steak and other meats.

It came prepared and ready for use, but we still washed and oiled to make sure that the pan was well oiled.

YowCH tied a rope around the handle to improve the grip, and folded and aluminium shield against the heat.

Nice to use!

YowCH later on ordered a cast iron wok from China, 15″ (largest that can fit into our sink for washing).

It came raw and unprepared, so David prepared the wok with the oiling and heating.

YowCH added the rope work to improve the handles.

Very good for cooking!

Home-based Learning during “Circuit Breaker”

Home-based Learning became necessary during the Covid-19 lock-down. Here are some photos of the children attending online-lessons.

In addition to HBL, YowCH and Grace also tutored Samuel.

They had exercises (PE lessons).

Even group dance lessons!

And Samuel actually had class meetings!

Covid-19 – Study and Work from home

On Monday, 30 Mar, YowCH started WFH (work from home). The old monitor helps much as a second screen, and he bought new keyboard, mouse and USB hub to ease the work. The webcam is our old Logitech, and he uses the Samsung phone headphones-mic.

Esther’s piano lessons became home-based.

Joseph and Samuel had home-based learning (HBL) on Wednesday, followed by home-based piano lessons.

In fact, given that they are not in school, Joseph picked up the ukulele to practice playing, too.

David will have his HBL on Thursday and Esther hers on Friday.

Masks, Church online service, Yongs dinner, swim, Joseph’s specs

Grace made masks for our family, a very needed protective gear in this time of Covid-19 pandemic.

Church service is not held due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the children attended Youth Service (Teenacity) via webcast with interactive responses through their phones.

After the sermon, they went to their terminals for the Discipleship Group studies.

Thank God for technology, allowing group interaction even when we cannot meet each other.

In the evening, the Yongs visited to have dinner with us, a small celebration for David’s birthday.

As David is now past-16, he can drink alcoholic drinks, and his favourite is cider.

On Sunday, we went to the pool for our swim, and the pool was very empty.

After swim, we went to Tiong Bahru Plaza for lunch, buying some provisions and equipment (for the upcoming ‘work from home’) and to replace Joseph’s spectacles which was broken accidentally. YowCH managed to make an emergency repair, but new glasses were needed as Joseph’s power went up.