Entries Tagged as 'David'

January 2021 runs, fried nian-gao, dinner with Yongs

YowCH was consistent in his runs, rain or shine, day or night.

In fact, sometimes, Esther and David also ran.

For the month of January, YowCH managed 6.0km runs on Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings, and also gym and stretching on Saturdays.

This is the run summary of the 30 Jan run, 6.0km in 34min00sec, his second fastest 6.0km run (the fastest was 5 secs faster at 33m55s). Heart rate ave 162 and max 176 (which is quite consistent with all the other runs). Average pace of about 5m40s or ave speed of 10.6km/h.

This calendar shows his runs for the month of January.

We also have our regular weekly swim (about 45 mins), typically about 500m each person. On 31 Jan, Grace had just finished night shift and missed swim. Here are screenshots of videos of Joseph, YowCH, Esther and David doing butterfly, and Samuel (middle) swimming freestyle.

We fried some nian-gao in the afternoon after swim, wrapped in spring roll skin. Tastes great!

We shared the dessert with friends, neighbours and the Yongs.

In the evening, we visited the Yongs and had dinner at Bishan.

Weekend update, dinner with Yongs, Esther’s work, David’s JC posting, Y&G dinner

We had our weekly swim on 24 Jan. Here are screenshots of Esther and David swimming videos taken by coach.

After swim, we had chicken rice for lunch.

Then YowCH re-dyed his hair again using Dixmondsg hair dye he bought online to maintain the blue. Also bought matte brown for Grace.

We had satay and yakitori dinner with the Yongs, while we watched the announcement of results for Siu Hei’s Maths Olympiad. He got Gold!

Esther made cookies, cake and sandwiches at Rainbow Centre for the children. She also did balloon crafts.

On 28 Jan, David received news that his first choice of ACJC was not successful although he is exactly at the cut-off points. Instead, he has been posted to CJC. He has made an appeal. In the meantime, he attended CJC on 29 Jan (Friday!) in his secondary school uniform.

YowCH picked Grace from her afternoon duties and had dinner together at Josh’s Grill, Bugis Junction.

David’s O-levels results

David received his results on 11 Jan. There was advance good news as he was mentioned among those with 10-points of better during the introduction section.

Here’s David with his cert, the got 2 A1s and 4 A2s (straight A!).

David is in the photo of the top performers of Gan Eng Seng School.

We thank God for guiding David through his O-levels.

Nian-gao, breakfast and YowCH on site

David wrapped nian-gao with dumpling skin and fried them. The skin wasn’t right-tasting, but the result is not too bad.

YowCH had a trip to Tampines site (KTP job) and had breakfast with Grace at Tekka Market.

Some photos taken at the Tampines site (including inside a drainage culvert).

YowCH last day KTP, runs, Thanksgiving Service

Last post of 2020. Our dinner on 29 Dec before getting Grace from work.

YowCH had lunch and dinner with some colleagues, as he will end his work at KTP (and SJ) on 31 Dec 2020.

Thursday, 31 Dec, last day of the year, last day of YowCH’s job as a Civil Engineering Consultant and also his last run of the year.

Throughout 2020, YowCH covered 562km in 171 runs.

The fake Adidas shoes bought in Vietnam in 2019 lasted only 3 months. Next year, he will run in $25 Decathlon shoes.

In the afternoon, YowCH packed the last of his stuff in KTP and moved them over to Chye Joo. This was done over two days (30 and 31 Dec) with David’s help.

And our last dinner of the year – McDonald’s.

After dinner, we joined the church online thanksgiving service, and the song Blessed To Be A Blessing was shown. YowCH and Esther recorded for this song.

After thanksgiving service, the family played mahjong, and YowCH cooked fried beehoon for supper.

An end to the pandemic ridden 2020 and the start of the new year!


Christmas day, during Covid pandemic. We went to the 12:00noon church service.

During service, the song Esther and YowCH recorded was played:

We then visited Sorrento for a short while.

At home, just before dinner, YowCH, Esther and Samuel sang some Christmas songs.

A photo of our Christmas presents. The lemons are from YowCH to the children (this year’s joke).

We prepared hot-plate dinner and ate with Grace’s parents and Gene.

David bought some donuts for the family.

After dinner, we opened our presents.

On 27 Dec, we had mince meat pies for breakfast. Actually, there is no meat, mince meat pie is an English name for fruits pie.

We invited the Yongs over for dinner, and prepared the seafood earlier.

Again hot-plate.

The children had a good time cooking and eating.

We drank Swedish Glogg, Ikea brand, which Yan bought.

For dessert, we had fruit cake and Christmas pudding.

The Christmas pudding was really too sweet.

Junior Camp, caramel sweets, Youth Camp, peanut snack

Samuel had his Junior Church Camp (Z-Supa, organised by Scripture Union) which was held on-line this week.

YowCH continued this regular runs.

Our dinner, with young coconuts as dessert.

David tried out making caramel sweets, very nice! Grace helped.

Youth camp started on Friday, 11 Dec, with online meetings.

Samuel wasn’t in Youth Camp, he was just playing games on the iPad.
After the Youth Camp meeting, YowCH and Esther recorded the Christmas song for the choir, with Grace’s help.

YowCH runs, and also does his gym exercises.

Esther bought some strong sour and hot noodles online for the family. Very tasty, can buy more!

Samuel at tuition again, extra-time again.

Samuel at church.

We bought peanut snacks which is a type of traditional sweets, very nice.

Food, YowCH lipids medication, Blue Trace token, Samuel writing Chinese, Youth Service at Church

27 Oct lunch.

28 Oct lunch and dinner.

29 Oct lunch. Esther and David remained at the School Canteen to study.

YowCH visited his site at Tanglin Halt.

YowCH also met his doctor who prescribed medication to control blood lipids, following the health check report. Taking “Lipanthyl Penta 145″ which is 145mg of Fenofibrate daily.

30 Oct breakfast.

At the swab test on 30 Oct, YowCH also collected the Blue Trace token used for contact tracing at construction sites.


A photo of Samuel doing his Chinese writing homework before going for Chinese tuition.

We had lunch at Xin Wang, WCP before the youths’ Church service, which had just restarted following the Covid lock-down.

YowCH tennis elbow, dinner with Lims

Lunch at Thai Kway Chap (Holland Village) with Esther on 1 Sep 2020.

YowCH suffered from tennis elbow, probably due to carrying heavy loads or accident during gym.

YowCH continues his runs, night or rain.

With weeks to O-levels, David started working hard, studying while having breakfast.

Brinda’s for lunch.

On 6 Sep 2020, we invited the Lims over for wonton mee dinner.

Tong-yuen and games after dinner.

Nat Day package, David interview, Joseph craft, swim

We picked up the National Day pack given by the government.

David having his online interview for his EAE into Polytechnic for culinary course.

Joseph’s interest, building things from wood and glue and other materials.

We resumed swimming at Queenstown, we had to pre-book tickets to ensure no overcrowding. When we reached the pool, it was quite empty, but shortly, every lane had the maximum 5 swimmers.

End of July, YowCH’s running very consistent. Starting August, instead of 2.5km x 3 and 4.0km or 5.0km weekly, he will do 4.0km x3 weekly.