Entries Tagged as 'David'

Esther singing and back to ballet, starting in-line skates

Today Esther sang for the Church 55th Anniversary Dinner promotion in 1st and 2nd English and the Chinese services. It was great, as Enoch and Han Wei were playing the violin very well. The tune was “O sole mio” (Elvis sang it as “It’s now or never”) and the words were written by Hsiao Yen for this promotional song. Very well received by church members.

Grace and YowCH have also been thinking of sending Esther and David for in-line skates training this coming school holidays, with some courses offered with skates and some without. By God’s great timing, Kelvin offered us 3 pairs of old children skates and we took them up at a token price. Esther and David had about 2 hours run on them, and they are able to get around! Looks like we can save the money on the course!

Today, Esther also returns to the ballet class after absence of almost 3 months due to the toe fracture from the cycling accident in August.

Cycling, soccer match and golf

On Saturday, 6 Oct, while Grace was at work on afternoon shift, we went cycling at the MOE carpark near our house. Esther and David practiced cycling with one hand, weaving in-and-out and making very tight turns at high speed. YowCH practiced jumping the kerb.

On Sunday, David played futsal soccer competition at Hougang from 8:00am to 2:00pm. The rest of us attended church for Children’s Day event, then went to the stadium to join David. The Lims brought him to Hougang after he spent a night at their place.

Trophies were given to every child as encouragement, but the truth is, the Jaguars did not do well.

Today, 8 Oct, YowCH went to Marina Bay driving range with his colleagues to practice golf swings. This is the second round, the first was last Tuesday.

Trip to the zoo without YowCH

Today is children’s day and YowCH had to work. So the children went to the Zoo with Grace. We arrived at 8:00am by car (YowCH dropped the family off) and left by cab at 6:50pm.

Here is the page for this zoo trip.

Grace’s colleagues gathering, golf set, David’s soccer friendly match, F1

Yesterday, Saturday 22 Sept, Grace’s colleagues had a gathering at our home. Everyone brought some food and we had a great time chatting with friends.

This morning, Francis Loo passed an extra set of golf clubs to YowCH for training. While the clubs are of different brands, the set is very much complete with 16 very useful clubs, 1 bag, some balls and even a pair gloves and an umbrella.

In the afternoon, we went for David’s soccer friendly match against several other junior clubs. David is currently down with cough and fever, and played only a very short wile before retiring.

And at night, we watched the Singapore Formula One race on the big screen again.

Bicycle full-face helmets

The helmets (XS size) looks very large on the children’s heads, however, the fitting is nice and correct. They can hear, breathe and the helmets are not too heavy, good for off road!

You can see the ugly monster art on YowCH’s helmet (S size), probably that’s why this model is on clearance sale.

Joseph is not having a full-face helmet, he was just trying on, and way too large and loose for him.

Food, soccer, food and bicycle gear order

On Sunday, after church, we had lunch at The Pizza Slice, in West Coast Plaza, very nice authentic Italian pizza on rectangular slices.

In the afternoon, David went for soccer training again, and received his official T-shirt.

Joseph went playing with some other boys.

In the evening, we had an earlier Oktoberfest with Yan and family at Brotzeit Vivocity. We enjoyed one large pork-knuckle, a fried platter, a platter of various sausages, a bowl of roasted potatoes and one serving of emperor’s cake, with apple juice, cola and one shot of Schnapps.

We cleared all the food!

We ordered 3 full-face bicycle helmets (as follow up from Esther’s accident), 3 speedometers (on Esther’s wish list from day one of biking) and 3 water bottles with holders from www.ChainReactionCycles.com, a British bicycle company, on 9 Sept. The stuff were dispatched on 11 Sept, and reached on 17 Sept in good condition, very nice!

Update of Esther’s injury, David’s soccer game cancelled

We updated Esther’s injury page again, noting that the healing of the chin is going very well.

Today, David’s soccer training was to have a friendly match with Bukit Batok Community Club, but cancelled due to rain (only slight drizzle) and lightning risk (not one flash was seen at the field). With the team mostly gathered, YowCH took an informal group photo.

And with the children from both sides sitting on the benches for close to 1.5 hours waiting for clearer skies, the game was finally declared cancelled. They coudn’t hold back anymore and just rushed to the field to play informally until the stadium keeper chased us out for fear of damaging the damp ground.

We bought Joseph a pair of yellow soccer boots yesterday from Queensway, the smallest size we could find that’s not more than $40 (they are Toppers, not expensive brands like Nike, Adidas, Puma or Lotto which are all $55++). He is very comfortable running with them on the field.

Hannah visits, David at soccer training

After church, we had Hannah over at our place, and Esther shared a nice session of shampoo making with her.

After that, David went for the second session of soccer training, this time with his new boots, jersey and shorts. He played quite well.

The girls (Grace, Esther and Hannah) went for a swim at the pool next door during soccer training. They got to use the shampoo they made right after swimming.

David starts soccer training

With our friends’ recommendation, David started soccer training at Queenstown Stadium today. This is where Enoch, Ezra, Sonya, Kenan and Joash are also training, every Sunday 3:00pm to 5:00pm. The children are generally divided into three groups, 8 and below, 10 and below and 13 and below.

Joseph was also playing along, very good at dribbling and kicks to the right direction, too.

We signed David up for the training, paid the yearly fee, registered for the team jersey and shorts. David was assigned “40″. They gave out free training T-shirts and a free football! After training, we went to Tiong Bahru Plaza and got David a set of boots, socks and shin guards, plus some training cones to practice with.

YowCH also bought a pair of soccer boots (but rubber base and no studs, to use a general sports shoes).

Hiking at Macritchie

We hiked at Macritchie this morning while Grace was at work, covering 6.5km.
The page is here.