Entries Tagged as 'David'

David is 12 years old.

For David’s 12th birthday, we ate at Great World City.

He is 12 now.

1/10 violin, David’s basketball match

YowCH visited Salvation army and saw a very good condition 1/10 violin for only $30. It is a Eurostrings 200 (about $230 new).

He bought it for Samuel, but Samuel will still need to grow more before being able to use this 1/10 violin.

David’s school team played against Holy Innocent on Friday 12 Feb, and YowCH took leave from work to watch the game with Esther and Joseph. While Gan Eng Seng Primary School lost the game (17-42), David played well.

David’s alternate basketball jersey

This is the alternate basketball jersey of David’s school team, white instead of the blue set.

David’s fracture and YowCH’s TYLin China dinner at CQ

David had a fracture in his right hand middle finger when he played basketball on Friday 29 Jan.

He will be out of action for basketball for 2 weeks and will miss some of his league games.

In the mean time, YowCH is away in Chongqing China for TYLin China office annual dinner from 28-31 Jan. Click on the photos below for the page:

Weekend swim, meeting Phans and playground

Esther had school prefect camp over this weekend, so she stayed over in her school.

David went to youth service early on Saturday, leaving Joseph adn Samuel to play in Sorrento pool with yowCH while Grace was knitting.
This is Joseph’s dive.

And this is Samuel’s dive (actually, YowCH threw him):

He loves being thrown into the water!

For dinner, we met up with the Phans (from Taiwan) and Wei Yeu who is in Singapore, and yowCH’s sister for dinner at Tunglok Signatures. Nice time for the families.

Lastly, on Sunday, at the wedding reception of Grace’s colleague, the boys had some playground fun, before going for football.

David’s basketball uniform

David’s basketball uniform, Gan Eng Seng Primary School.

Whale time and YowCH’s short run

We had some fun time in the pool after our swimming lesson, the coach lent us his whale floats and we played in the water. Another advantage of having lessons from 11:30 to 12:30, the pool is almost empty as it is lunch time and the sun is hot!

This is where we explained to the children that the weekly training prepared them for fun like this. If they can’t swim well, they won’t be playing like this. Even Samuel enjoyed the whales.

In the afternoon, while the boys were at their soccer training (including Samuel), YowCH went for a short 1.5km run. It was very hot and the air was stifling. A re-start after several months of not running at all.

First day of school

Start of 2016

On the eve of New Year, we went to church for the Thanksgiving Service, then returned home to have some quiet family time. Grace worked on 1 Jan 2016, and YowCH brought the children out to cycle.

We even rode to the home of our friends, Quincy and family. Later, we had chicken rice for lunch, and started Samuel on the small bike to see if he can balance. Not ready yet:

Then we had a nice Western meal at The Ship to start off 2016.

This restaurant was where YowCH brought Grace out for a nice meal the first time when they dated back in 1994.

A nice dinner!

On Saturday we went to church, and just before reaching church, we had the children pose for this photo, showing all our children rolling their tongues:

Then we had a nice grill dinner at Grace’s parents’ place.

On Sunday, just before school re-opens, Grace went to work again. YowCH brought the children to swim class and chicken rice lunch thereafter. Then Esther took bus to ballet class while YowCH brought the boys to the West Coast Wolves soccer training. Samuel was happily joining in the fun.

This is Joseph:

And David:

Caroling on Christmas Eve, Lego for Joseph and Samuel

As we did for the past few years, we went singing carols with our church on Christmas Eve. YowCH was with David and Joseph at NUH lobby, while Esther went to the wards of NTFH.

Here’s Esther leaving church, getting on to the bus.

And this is the NUH lobby.

David played the cajon, Joseph played tambourines and maracas, while YowCH sang and played guitar or, ukulele.

We gave Joseph a set of Lego City Advent Calendar, which he started last night.

And Samuel, now older than 2 years, we took out the Duplo box, and he was overjoyed, saying “Samuel’s Lego” immediately.

We then had dinner with Grace’s parents, packed Indian-Muslim food from Al-Amaan.