Entries Tagged as 'Esther'

Worship videos, Sam games and tuition, YowCH heart rate monitor

Esther doing worship for Youth Service.

The family doing worship for KFC (Junior Sunday School).

Samuel playing games on Wii.

YowCH with his heart rate monitor.

Samuel attending Chinese tuition back at the centre at Tiong Bahru Plaza.

Airdots, tray on stove, Esther worship, Samuel’s craft

YowCH bought Xiaomi Air-dots, much cheaper than Apple Airpods, for $28. Works well. Given to Joseph.

20 June, we saw the Church Youth Service worship with Esther playing guitar.

YowCH made a flat tray to put on the stove, this is very useful to temporarily place the cooking utensils like the spade, chopsticks or tongs.

On Monday 22 June, the whole family went out for school and work.

Samuel had some free time at home, he did some craft which YowCH bought from EZbuy or Lazada.

Sports in May

We continued our sports to stay healthy, even with the lockdown situation.

Joseph went for some runs, 1.6km.

YowCH was regular in his 2.5km (3x per week) and 5.0km (Sundays).

Samuel went in-line skating (2.0km) while Grace went for brisk walks of 2.0km).

YowCH was also regularly doing weights and planking.

Instead of running, sometimes Joseph also skated.

Esther also joined in the skating.

As shown in the software records on the phone for his runs, YowCH has very regular in his runs, not skipping even in the rain.

Only David got lazy in May.

Esther’s 18th birthday

Esther celebrated a low-key 18th birthday at home, due to Covid situation.

But she received lots of food and drinks ordered by her friends and family:

David prepared good salmon and steak for the dinner.

And we had watermelon after dinner.

Covid-19 “Circuit Breaker” situation end-May

Samuel’s church meeting, big group on Zoom.

We watched the Michael Bay Transformers movies, and took out the toys for Samuel to have some fun.

We did some home improvement works (in this case adding a shelf to Esther’s table), but the drill spoilt. YowCH opened it and found that the problem is the electrical direction switch, with the forward drive spoilt and the drill only works in reverse. So YowCH shifted teh wires around to make teh drill work in forawrd, but no more reverse now. Replacement part is too expensive and not worth the money.

YowCH received a cheque from Prudential for $500.00, benefits for having served Quarantine Order due to Covid. Good pocket money!

Another BCG meeting online.

The whole family recorded another church choir session (David was conducting and doing the filming on the camera). We had 3 good takes, but about 12 bad starts, mostly with us laughing due due to Samuel’s behaviour.

Esther also contributed to the church Youth Service worship.

Samuel doing church activities online.

We contacted our friends, the Lims, in Melbourne, Australia, to catch up with them in this Covid period.

We still drove the Odyssey around, mostly sending and picking Grace as she is working daily at KKH. But the roads were quite empty and we had great fuel efficiency, covering more than 600km in 1 tank (55L) of petrol!

Things in the house keeps needing maintenance, the plug point plastic broke, and YowCH had to buy the part (the box against the wall) to replace it. The face was changed about a year ago.

YowCH bought a sound mixer for Esther, to let her have better mixing controls for the worship and other musical recordings.

Joseph built his Gundam robot.

YowCH had to visit his construction site prior to the planned worksites re-opening on 2 June.

We picked up an old light cover that a neighbour thrown away, and it serves well as a Bey Blade arena.

Grace and YowCH went out to buy some food, and picked up the government-issued “improved” masks on 30 May.

Home-based Learning during “Circuit Breaker”

Home-based Learning became necessary during the Covid-19 lock-down. Here are some photos of the children attending online-lessons.

In addition to HBL, YowCH and Grace also tutored Samuel.

They had exercises (PE lessons).

Even group dance lessons!

And Samuel actually had class meetings!

Covid-19 “Circuit Breaker” situation mid-April

With the Covid lock-down to stay at home, our church immediately started online service:

We bought some toys for Sam from internet orders:

YowCH and Esther recorded their parts as part of the church online choir, singing O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing:

You can watch it here on Facebook.

This is Samuel attending his Junior Service, with activities which we printed for him to do.

We collected the reusable masks issued by the Singapore Government for citizens and PRs.

Our shower heater died, and thankfully, we can call the electrical shop owner and arranged for a replacement unit, which YowCH installed immediately.

Our cell group met online through Zoom. The juniors held their own meeting.

When we went to NTUC, we bought some beer – Corona, to celebrate the virus!

Gene arranged for a Zoom meeting dinner, where she even bought the food to be delivered to our place.

We recorded another song for the church online choir, this time, with YowCH, Esther and Samuel, singing The Revelation Song.

You can watch it here on Facebook.

Covid-19 – Study and Work from home

On Monday, 30 Mar, YowCH started WFH (work from home). The old monitor helps much as a second screen, and he bought new keyboard, mouse and USB hub to ease the work. The webcam is our old Logitech, and he uses the Samsung phone headphones-mic.

Esther’s piano lessons became home-based.

Joseph and Samuel had home-based learning (HBL) on Wednesday, followed by home-based piano lessons.

In fact, given that they are not in school, Joseph picked up the ukulele to practice playing, too.

David will have his HBL on Thursday and Esther hers on Friday.

Home dinner, guitar loop pedal, Ody steering wheel cover, Jo’s nails

We cooked some simple dinner at home on Wednesday, 4 Mar:

Esther got herself a guitar looping pedal. This allows several tracks to be recorded and looped (played round after round) to have layered (multi-track) playing. $200, second-hand from Esther’s friend.

The steering wheel cover for the car is all cracked up and loose after 3.5 years. So we bought a replacement, exact same model.

Our church gave out 3 nails for the season of Lent, as a reminder of Christ’s suffering for our sins. We are free to use the nails in whichever way, and most people glues them together to make a cross. Joseph did this:

It is nice and cool, but too dangerous, so after taking photo, he took off the nails.

On Sunday night, we watched Robin Hood (2018) with Taron Egerton and Jamie Foxx, in our bedroom because the blu-ray disc can’t play on the living room player.

Misc – Esther at piano, Odyssey efficiency, YowCH run in rain

Some miscellaneous stuff:

Esther at piano class:

The Odyssey can actually be driven very economically (on the 70-80km/h KPE, Kallang – Paya Lebar Expressway). Managed to clock 16.7km/L over a distance of 47km in smooth traffic.