Entries Tagged as 'General'

Food, swim and Samuel’s Engineer toy

We continued our on-line ordering with Indian food from Brinda’s:

Grace worked night, so she skipped swimming, but here are the rest of us:

Samuel enjoyed the Engineering toy set, so we took out the larger box, and he was absolutely delighted with the increase in building materials!

Here’s a little miscellaneous post: our neighbour, bought a grey Honda Odyssey recently, and his plate is very similar to ours!

Weekend activities

Some weekend activities:

We had lunch at The Sapling, a training restaurant for the service industry, at the Enabling Village, behind Gan Eng Seng Primary School. Esther and David went to church early.

For dinner, after church, BCG met at Pepperoni Pizza, Biopolis for really nice pizzas, including 2 huge 21″ pepperoni pizzas.

This is Joseph and his Gigo robot with sword and shield.

On Sunday, we went for our usual swim. Here is Samuel training very well. He can cover 25m with hand floats.

Grace did 1000m (20x 50m laps) with breaks in between each lap.

In the afternoon, we skipped soccer training to enjoy a movie “Spider-man Homecoming” at Great World City, a client-event by our Prudential insurance agents.

Samuel behaved very well in the cinema, but he took a 15 minutes nap during the show.

YowCH at MBS rooftop

YowCH was invited to a corporate event at Ce La Vi (rooftop) of Marina Bay Sands on Thursday evening.

The view was very nice, after rains in the afternoon, with cloud covered buildings.

The night view was great, too.

Here’s the Southern view for Gardens by the Bay and Marina Barrage.

David is now 13, glass coating for the Odyssey, Korea trip

David turned 13 on 24 March. We got him a Molten GG7x Composite Leather outdoors basketball and had Korean food dinner with the family at The Gogi (Alexandra Central) on Saturday evening.

The Odyssey had been covered by a tough layer of dust sometime early March that wasn’t easy to wash off, so YowCH sent it back to Honda for the Threebond Glass coating on 28 March, which includes washing and polishing. With a 20% discount, the deal was good as we a about $540 to get rid of the sticky dust, got the car polished, cleaned the interiors and protected the paintwork with the glossy glass coating.

We had a 9-day holiday in Korea from 11 to 19 March, but we have not finished processing the photos. Here is a teaser photo and our trip map.

Another liquor, CNY dinner with KTP Infra/Geo teams

Another nice and colourful mix, Campari at the bottom, Blue Curacao in the middle and Rum at the top. Goes well with bitter-sour grapefruit.

On 8 Feb 2017, YowCH booked a dinner for the KTP Infra and Geo teams to celebrate CNY at Tunglok Signature, Vivocity. Te food was great, and the fellowship even greater.

Car update, YowCH at NUS, Joseph’s AT-AT

Our Odyssey have just gone past the 10,000km mark.

On 2 Feb, YowCH was invited by his business friend to give a short speech to the NUS School of Design and Environment night class for Masters degree class about the Civil Engineering market.

At home, Joseph built his foam-card AT-AT, a gift from the Ngs for his birthday.

Food, drums and Esther doing homework

We had some great food over the week:
Bukang Korean BBQ at Anchorpoint:

Penang food at West Coast Road (near West Coast CC):

Frozen durian paste through the Yonanas:

On 17 Jan, we picked up another set of Yamaha DTXplorer digital drum set, which is the same model as ours, for $250. We added the sound module and some pads to our set. We now have 4 (instead of 2) cymbals, 4 (instead of 3) tom-toms and one additional effects pad (we assigned the gong). Much richer in drum choices, and feels more pro.

Here’s a random shot of Esther doing her homework, with laptop support.

Last look of TYL, KTP office moved in, liquors

YowCH moved into the KTP new office space in the first week of January, and by 10 Jan, he was fully settled in.

Here’s a last look at his TYL office.

And we had some fun with liquors at home. This is a layered drink with strong taste, using Campari, Jaegermeister and Tequila.

And here’s eating longans with vodka.

One day past the Supermoon

Supermoon (when the moon is nearest to Earth) is not very common, the next visit is 2034. It was yesterday, 14 Nov, but last night was really cloudy. But tonight, 15 Nov is quite OK although we lost a bit of the moon on the top.

Using the 1.5x factor S5pro (12 megapixels) and a 400mm lens with a 2x tele-converter, and cropped to be 2x the size, this is the 2400mm equivalent.

Actually, the above was cropped from the 1200mm equivalent:

Taking out the 2x tele-converter improved the quality and sharpness, but at 600mm it is much smaller:

Here’s taking the shot with 200mm lens (hence 300mm equivalent), with the lit toilet lights of a nearby neighbour’s flat, and the clouds moving in to cover the moon:

And lastly, at 70mm (105mm equivalent) the neighbourhood can be seen together with the cloud covered moon, rather eerie:

Odyssey window visors

We bought a set of non-original window visors for the car on 27 Oct 2016. We can now leave a small window opening for ventilation when we park, and we can drive in teh rain without air-con. The chrome strip is not very nice, but this is cheap.